Chapter 6

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Also sorry for the "cliffhanger," it's really nothing special haha.

After the whole fiasco everyone continued on as normal, but I was still confused. Yes it was usual for members to get in fights but they usually don't upset Miranda or Lilly like that, and considering who one of the fighters were I was extremely intrigued. By the end of my shift at the bar I was practically shaking from how much I wanted to know. There was a reason the girls told me all of their gossip, it was because I lived for it.

Making sure Jason knew what he was doing, I let him take over and walked over to where Miranda was talking quietly with Spider.

"Spider, you care if I steal your girl for a moment?" I asked.

Spider smiled and pulled her closer to him. "Absolutely not."

Miranda rolled her eyes and stood out of his grip, turning to kiss him before leading me to my room. We shut the door and immediately her demeanor changed. Outside of the room she had been smiling and laughing with the others, but now her face was etched with sadness and worry.

"What happened?" I asked.

She grabbed my hand in hers and sighed. "Smiles, has Key ever physically hurt you?" She asked.

My eyes widened.

"No! No of course not! Plus if he did I would have told you," I reassured her. She breathed out a sigh of relief and I squeezed her hand.

"The prospect was saying some rude things about the patched members, and he said some things about you too. Key just so happened to be walking in at that moment and he went crazy. I'm surprised you didn't hear hime yelling while you were in the kitchen. He just was so livid I wasn't sure if you had ever been on that receiving end or not, especially since you both just got into an argument not that long ago," she explained.

"What did the prospect say about me?" I asked. If it made Key that angry it had to have been bad.

Miranda looked at me with watery eyes.

"He heard your argument with Key. He was going on and on about how you were a stupid faggot who deserved to burn in hell. And when Key originally stepped in, the prospect said that Key should just go fuck his little 'slut'" she said, putting air quotes around the last word.

My heart dropped. "So everyone knows that Key and I had a thing?" I whispered. The club knows I'm gay but it took awhile for some of them to accept it. I think the only reason they had come around is because they saw that Alpha was okay with it, and that helped to influence them. I didn't want Key to be outcasted from his friends because of it. Yeah he had hurt me, but no one deserves that kind of rejection, and I didn't want to risk that happening to him.

"I know what you're thinking honey, but I promise you everything will be okay. Everyone here loves you and accepts you for who you are, I'm sure you two will not have to worry about anyone here." She paused. "Except maybe that stupid boy from earlier but obviously he can be taken care of," she laughed.

I laughed with her, her words helping to ease my worries a bit.


A few hours later I was in the private kitchen (the one separate from the bar that usually no one uses) making myself food when I heard someone walk in. I could tell who they were from their footsteps, and I sighed as I realized who it was.

Turning around, I came face to face with Key.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"What're you sorry for?" He asked, taking a seat on the counter beside me. I looked back down at my food and sighed.

Smiles - Hell Rider's MC #3 -Where stories live. Discover now