Chapter 4

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Oh shit.

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.

What do I do?

I stared at him for a moment before my gaze slowly went towards Miranda and Joker.

If "I'm gonna kill you" had a look, that's the look they were giving him. Scary.

I cleared my throat. "What can I get for you Key?" I asked in a professional tone. Somehow I was able to maintain eye contact even though it hurt.

He smiled and leaned over the bar. "You can start with why you've been ignoring me darling."

Miranda scoffed and rolled here eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. Joker took a long sip of his drink while maintaining a glare, something that would make me piss myself if it were to ever be directed at me.

Key glared at them, does this man have a death wish?, before rolling his eyes and looking back at me. Now he looked annoyed as he frowned and lifted an eyebrow, silently demanding an answer.

"Been busy," I shrugged as I tried to remain indifferent but internally I was terrified. This man knew he had power over me and I was terrified of finding out if, when, he would use it against me.

"Mhm. So busy to where you couldn't text me once while I was gone? Even on the days you don't work the bar?" He questioned. My hands were starting to sweat so I grabbed a towel to hold.

"Picked up extra work."

"At the bar?"


"You know damn well that I know that's a lie, because Alpha doesn't make anyone work more than a few days a week. Now you gonna tell me the truth or are we going to sit here all day?" He asked aggressively.

Before I could even answer a hand was slammed down next to Key, causing all of us to jump.

Alpha stood tall and proud over Key as he looked him up and down.

"My office. Now," his rough voice demanded. I got goosebumps from the anger in his tone, glad I have yet to have that directed at me.

Key spared me once final look before nodding. "Of course Prez." With that he stood up and walked towards Alpha's office, his stance tense and full of anger.

Alpha turned and looked at me with concern. "Are you okay? How aggressive was he being on a scale from 1-10?" I could have laughed from how concerned he looked, but refrained when I saw that Miranda and Joker were looking at me, waiting for my answer.

"It wasn't that bad, he was just angry that I've been ignoring him," I told him honestly.

His eyebrows furrowed. "Why have you been ignoring him?"

I sighed and looked down at the bar. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a few guys waiting for me to refill their drinks or take orders but knew better than to interrupt someone when Alpha was having a conversation with them. Looking back up at Alpha I gave him a sad smile. "Can I discuss this with you later please?"

"Of course," he patted my shoulder and with a gentle smile walked away towards his office. I breathed out a sigh of relief and tended to those who had been waiting before standing back in front of Miranda and Joker. Miranda grabbed onto my hand and wrapped it in both of hers.

"Don't you worry sweetheart, I'm sure everything will work out eventually and you'll be able to be happy."

Sighing, I squeezed her hands. "I sure hope so Miranda."

Smiles - Hell Rider's MC #3 -Where stories live. Discover now