Chap. 21 - Meeting Plans

Start from the beginning

"Nightmare. Like wise." He said.

Minutes passed as the two sat under the tree and enjoyed moment, even if it was a dream.

"Do you mind if I ask you something?" Nightmare asked.

"Whatever you need or want to know, I'll do my best to give you an answer." Mari replied.

"When we first encountered you, did you have any connection with my brother?" He asked.

"Weeeeeeeell, no. But, we got to know each other after. But, now I fully know the Star Sans's" She replied.

"Have you ever met any of us, my group I mean?"

"No, I've mostly or always done my job by myself. But, I've never got in the way of yours or your brothers work. Sure I keep the balance of emotions and AU's, but I make sure not to get in the way or to interfere."

Another moment of silence came as a cool breeze brushed through the two and the tree's leaves.

"Do you think were villains as well?"

"No. You and the others were dealt a bad hand and suffered great pain. I wish I could help, but fate had other plans."


"Maybe you can." Nightmare said, having an idea.

"Huh, what do you mean?" Mari asked back.

"We meet you properly. When you wake up, meet at my castle." He explained.

"That does sound like a nice idea, but what if they try to kill me again?"

"I know well enough that you can fight back on you own. Plus, I'll set them straight if they try anything."

"Wow Nightmare, that's really nice of you. But as a guest, I should get you something to show my appreciation, its only polite. But there's so little time, I'll see what I can do." Mari concurred.

"With that, I guess this dream is over." Nightmare confirmed.

As the two were finished with their conversation, they as well finished their snack and placed them on the ground. Nightmare and Mari then stood up from their sitting place by the tree's trunk.

"True, well then, I'll see you soon Nightmare." Mari bided goodbye.

Nightmare did the same, but only gave a simple nod. Then, the world around them began to fade into a white space as it consumed the area.

(End of Dream~)
Mari's pov~

I slowly open my eyes again and woke up back in my room. Light was coming through my window blinds and my body was put into a different position than last night. Still, the dream I just had, had happened. Nightmare, the king of nightmares and god of negativity, and I had a semi-normal conversation in my dream. Huh. Life in the multiverse happens in mysterious ways.

Suddenly, the alarm on my phone went off and I picked it up from the shelf next to me. My alarm was a mixed song called 'Misery x CPR, Maroon 5, CupcakKe (Remix', its one of my favourite songs. The time on the alarm read 7 a.m. and I dismissed the alarm. I stretched, got out a bed, and started my morning routine. But, at the same time, thought about my meeting with Nightmare and his group.

I showered, brushed my teeth, and put on my usual outfit. I then went down stairs to the kitchen to eat some breakfast. I made myself a bowl of cereal and sat at the table.

'Alright, I'm meeting with Nightmare and his group in a bit. I'm going to be a guest and it would feel rude not to show up with a gift. The question is, what should I get them?'

I then finished and wished the bowl and spoon, and began to put my shoes on for the day. Finally, the idea hit me, like a wrecking ball against an egg. It would be perfect. With the though in mind and excitement running through me, I opened my portal and jumped through head first.

'The AU should be the perfect place for the things I need. Surely nothing can go wrong!'


As I land on the other side, I stepped one foot on a tree branch and thought I landed okay. Because of jumping head first and thinking I was safe, I looked down and saw I was Really high in a tree. Out of surprise, I tried to balance on my foot, but most of my body weight made me move backwards. Unfortunately, I did fall off and got knocking against a few branches on the way down.

"OOF! AH! SON! OF! A! CRABAPPLE! CRAP! CRAP! CRAP!" I said getting hit against each branch.

Finally, I landed on my back in a pile of snow and layed there for a few minutes.

"Ooooooo, yeah. That smarts. Heh, looks like I jinxed myself. He he he, *hiss* ow ow ow."

Hey, Hi, Hello my guys, gals, and pals. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter for the week! Thank You And See You Next Time~

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