Chap. 1 - My Beginning

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Mari's POV~
Blank and Nothing. That's what I first felt when I wasn't there yet. At first is started with an idea, then more came until it started to become real. Before I even knew it, there I was, laying on back with my eyes fully open. I sat up and looked at myself, I was wearing clothes that were comfortable and had some items on my person. I then looked around and found nothing but white space, it looked to be endless. Next, I stood up on my two legs and wobbled a little. This was all so new but so fast at the same time. I was happy to be born or created in a way, which also led to being a little nervous, but still exciting. I giggled and started to dance and spin, getting used to my movements. Finally, I took the chance and said my first words, "HELLO! IS ANYONE OUT THERE", I said in a happy tone.
I waited for a response. But nobody came.
I waited and waited, until I fully knew that I was alone here.

*Your soul is filled with sadness*

But, I finally realised something. I don't even know my name or who I am. I was when an idea came into mind, I could check myself or search who I am, in a way. I decided to check my character data and I saw a name and information. I spelled out the letters carefully, "M-A-R-I-A-N-N-A-H C.". My first name was a little long, but it sounded kinda fancy. "Mariannah C., that's a pretty name. I guess thats who I am. But, I'll call myself Mari for short", I thought to myself.

*Your is fulled with calmness now that you know who you are*

Now with that out of the way, I guess I can keep reading this panel thing for anything else about me. It read, "Age: 19, Female. Guardian of Balance over the Multiverse."
"Guardian of Balance? Over a multiverse? What in the world, or should I say the multiverse", I thought as the questions started to fill in my head. I looked around me again and saw something in the distance, it was strange because I though it was all empty. I was curious and started to walk towards the thing. As she was in front of it, she saw it was a book in the ground with symbols. I picked it up found a title that said, "Alternate Universe's and their Characters".
I opened the cover and read many things about what's outside the void. There were humans that can control time, monsters using magic, universes of different kinds, and the alternate version of themselves. But, one monster and their alternate versions caught my eye, their name was "Sans". Him and his alternate versions always catch my interest. I continued to read until I got to the last page. It took me a few hours, but I now had a general understanding of what was happening. Another thing I noticed was how there wasn't a page for my information. "I guess it was because I was just created and that no knows about me yet, strange."
Now that I knew what was happening, I then read my character panel again so see more and what I could do. (In case, read previous chapter for better information on abilities.) Turns out I could do a lot of stuff, and I understood my magic over time. Before I even knew it, I was a pro when I practiced. Now for the next step...
Opening a portal and finding my first Glitch

YAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYY My first chapter! Took some time to think of what would happen in the beginning, but I had some ideas. Thank you and See You Next Time~

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