Chap. 19 - Keep Away

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"Alright, come on and follow me outside." Mari relied.

Mari walked and opened the door for the others. As they did, Fell only walked to the wall outside and sat by it. Ink, Dream, and Blueberry began to question how exactly they were going to spare.

"After all, its like they say... practice makes perfect." Mari stated.

3rd person pov~

Mari began to stretch her arms and crack her joints as she walked.

"Okay, so I had this idea where we could do a 3 vs. 1, a three on one, you three verses me in a sparring." She said.

"Wait, doesn't that seem a little unfair. I mean, even with your skills and abilities, its still gonna be a group against one." Dream questioned.

"That may be true, but remember when she fought against the Bad Sans. She may have been injured, but she held her ground well." Ink inquired.

"Aw thanks Ink. Now, before we begin, there's something to do first." She said.

"AND WHAT'S THAT?" Blueberry asked.

"This of course." She replied with a smile.

Mari was soon covered in sparks of electricity and she sprinted towards the three. They instantly tried to block themselves as she was running circles around them. After a few seconds, she stopped running and returned to her spot. Ink, Dream, and Blueberry looked at themselves for any injuries, but found nothing.


"That may be true, but that was my warmup run. Also, y'all should know I always have a plan or trick up my sleeve. Speaking of which, doesn't your body feel a little lighter." Mari replied.

"Huh? What are you—"

Before Dream could finish his sentence, he put his hand to his skull to feel his golden crown, but it wasn't there.


"I could say the same, where's your bandana?" Dream questioned back.

Blueberry did the same and saw his blue bandana was missing from his collar.

"Hey! One of my vails is gone too." Ink pointed.

In his sash was his assortment of vails that contained different colours of ink for him to feel emotions. But, in the middle, his blue vail was missing from its pocket.

"Gotta say, these are cute accessories, but I don't they fit my style." Mari said out loud.

Ink, Blueberry, and Dream looked back to Mari to see her holding each of their items. Blueberry's blue bandana was tied around her left wrist, the ink vail was tied in the bandana, and Dream's crown was on her head.

"Here the rules of the match boys, if you can get your personal item back, then you win. But, if you get another's item, then it doesn't count." She said.

"So we just need to fight you until we get our stuff back, then were good?" Ink asked.

"Yup! That's pretty much it." Mari agreed.

"Hehehe, this is gonna be good." Fell laughed as he sat.

The three then surround Mari and summoned their weapons. Ink with his paint brush, Blueberry wielding two sharp bones, and Dream with his twin blades. And with no hesitation, they attacked at once, each of them slashing at Mari. But, she was able to dodge by weaving through.

"Slow—" Mari said dodging Ink.

"Sloppy—" She said dodging Dream.

"Sad!" Finally, she said dodging Blueberry.

Ink and Dream tried to attack from forward and behind her, but Mari was able to summon her scissors to block them both. Dream's blades sparked against Mari's blade as his and Ink's weapon were held in place. Blueberry took this chance to strike in her torso, but Mari noticed him coming. Mari quickly spun, slashed, and pushed against Dream and Ink, then jumped away from Blueberry. With a small window open, she launched back forward, kicking him away with both her feet.

"Nice teamwork, but you gotta mean it with your attacks. Strike like I'm the enemy." Mari advised.

Each of them got back on their feet, ready for round two.

"Alright, let's go!" She with a smile.

(One Hour Later~)

The four of them continued to fight without stopping. Ink was hunched forward with his hands on his knee and taking deep breaths, Blueberry was sitting taking deep breaths trying to regain his energy. Dream and Mari were still standing, but Dream was shaking from earlier hits and trying to stand his ground. While Mari still had her weapons in hand and not moving an inch, still standing steady. Finally, Dream couldn't hold himself steady and dropped on his knee, unable to continue. Each of the three were unable to obtain their things back from Mari, and were still on her person.

"Looks like this sparring session has come to a close." Mari said, sheathing her weapons back on her back.

Hello my guys, gals, and pals. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I tried to finish it in a small rush, but I hope you guys still liked it. Thank You And See You Next Time~

Multi-Coloured Soul (Sans Au x OC story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant