Chap. 8 - Teamwork

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"Oh ReAlLy~, AnD wHaT sHoUlD i AiM fOr?" Error asked Mari sarcasticlly.

"Uhh, probably the giant Glitch right behind you and Ink."

With a confused look on his skull, Error turned around to see a large tar-like creature with sharp limbs on all sides. The Glitch looked down towards and roared. The wind from the roar blew Mari's, Ink's, and Error's scarf until it stoped and growled at them. Mari then said the first thing that came to mind.

"Aww, snickerdoodles."


Mari's pov~

Just as I said those words, the Glitch tried to swing as Ink, Error, and I, but we were able to dodge in time. Unfortunately, I was still tied in Error's strings so he pulled me with him. The Glitch continued to swing and slash at us, I need to come up with a plan so those two won't get hurt.

"Hey Error! I know how to take that Glitch out, but I need you to untie me first." I quickly spoke to him, but it looked like he was too busy being on the defensive.

"H*Ll No! YoUr StIlL sUsPiCiOuS aNd I dOn'T kNoW iF yOuR a GlItCh ToO. fOr NoW, yOu StAy OuT oF tHe WaY."

Error then pulled his strings in another direction which made me being pulled higher into the air.

"Wait NO! I can help!" But it was no use. I was too high for Ink and Error to hear me from above.

Darn it, darn it, darn it, Oh Fiddlesticks! They may be strong, but I don't think they have enough experience to kill a Glitch. This is gonna get messy if I don't step in. If I don't do anything, then they'll die.

My mind keeps thinking of the worst outcome as I see them trying to attack it. As I keep watching from the sidelines, my eyes slowly fill with tears for the two. Wait...

Tears, Sorrow, Sadness.... That's It!

With different emotions comes different skills and weapons. If I continue to force the emotion, then I can maybe get out of this. I then focus more on the feeling and felt a tear flow from my eye.

*Your Soul Is Filled With Sadness*

Suddenly, I gripped something in my right hand and got a closer look. It was a dagger that shined a blue colour.

 It was a dagger that shined a blue colour

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Now let's see how sharp this can cut.

3rd person pov~

Meanwhile, Ink and Error were still trying to kill the Glitch but it wouldn't go down without a fight. The two guardians were beginning to run out of energy. Ink continued to splash ink towards it and Error try's to immobilise it to hold it still for his attacks. But the Glitch was too slippery.

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