2.4. Trojan Korps

Start from the beginning

"There! Zoe with me" Dan says as he sees one of the world leaders walking out of the room.

"Neish, stay here. There could be more of them" and with that Dan and Zoe stands to follow the man and the two imposters. However, what they didn't see was the news reportor Jenny Lane was also following them. Alex nor Tom didn't see this as Alex was working on changing her iPad to show the cameras in the hallway, and Tom was looking for a new pack of biscuits for the two of them to eat.

After a few seconds Alex has the hallway cameras and she sees Zoe and Dan using the unconscious world leader to fight the two men.

Zoe uses the man's left arm to block a incoming punch while Dan uses the right leg to kick the man where it hurts. The second man comes a long and Dan uses the leader's leg to trip the men over so he falls to the floor. Zoe then leaves Dan with the world leader so she can fight the first man again. He goes to punch her but Zoe moves out of the way causing the man to punch the concrete pillar. She then hit him and he falls to the ground.

"I guess this is a bad time to ask for an interview?" Jenny says to the man. He then puts a device around her neck.

"Electrical Feedback TORC 10,000 volts in 20 seconds time. Save her life or chase me its your choice." He then pushes Jenny to the floor and runs away. Zoe starts to run after the man.

"Zoe wait you need four people to be touching the TORC to soak up the electrical charges" Alex quickly tells Zoe though the earpiece before she could disappear.

Dan rushes over to the unconscious agent and loops his fingers around the TORC. Zoe and Dan also hold onto it. After a few seconds the electrical Feedback works and each person felt a little shock and the TORC breaks from Jenny's neck. Dan helps the woman up and she is grateful for the help.

"Thank you. I owe you my life"


"Nine years of training. NINE! And you didn't count the agents" Stella scoled the older agents. Alex slightly winced at the about of noice Stella was making. She should could only imagine what it was like for the agents who were in the room.

"She's making a lot of noice but I can't help feeling she should have noticed the extra bodies." Dan said to Aneisha as they stood watching Stella.

"You really think she could be behind this"

"yeah" Alex rolls her eyes in annoyance because they have obviously forgotten what she and Tom had told them about Frank hearing what they were saying. She was just grateful that Frank did not have his earpiece in, but they didn't know that.

"I'm so sorry. Of course I have to report this on the news but maybe this'll help" Jenny Lane then pulls out a communicator and gives it to Zoe as she walks over.

"That oaf dropped it" She gives Zoe a smile and walks over to the camrea man.

"He dropped it" Zoe questions suspilly

"I still don't like her"

"Another day, another embarrassment for MI9. How long before the Government shuts down this struggling security service?" She end with a smile completely ignoring the deathly glare Stella is giving her.

Once the reporter had left the room Stella turn to the three agents.

"Get out of these clothes and change into your uniform and get to my office quickly to track that communicator" With one last scowl on her face she turns around and hurries out with her 12 agents behind her.

"I can tell she is going to be in a bad mood for the rest of the week" Aneisha says and the agents go to change and meet Stella at her office.

Back at the base Frank, Tom and Alex are in a hurry to leave as soon possible as they don't want to keep Stella wanting for them as she is in a really bad mood. Seeing as everyone was in lesson, it was easier to sneak out of the school and into the van which would take them to the MI9 building.

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