"I did. He said no" Maggie answered "So you told him yet?"

"Which one?" Cassie said with a dry laugh. "I don't know what to do but somehow Shane's found out and is threatening to tell Rick. But it's not that I don't want Rick to know it's that I should tell him"

"That's fair enough. I'd say tell Rick first. He's your twin maybe he can help you with telling Daryl" Maggie suggested to her.

"I think your right, thanks Maggie"

Cassie then went back downstairs in the hope of being able to talk to Rick before they met with Daryl to plan their run and then leave. Although instead of finding Rick once she was outside she ran into Carl.

"Aunt Cassie I've been looking everywhere for you" Carl said in a slightly annoyed tone before he grabbed his aunts hand and dragged her away from the house to stand under a large tree near where the rv was still parked up.

"Sorry Carl. What's up?"

"Dale. It's my fault he died" Carl told her causing confusion to sweep over his aunt.

"Wait Carl what do you mean cause Dales death that was an accident. You know that right?"

"No it's my fault. I was messing about at the swamp and then I saw that walker. So I started chucking rocks at it. But then it got loose and I ran away and then it killed Dale and it's all my fault" Carl rambled quickly so Cassie had to put her hands on his shoulders as she crouched down to try and calm the young boy.

"Carl calm down. Why were you out alone anyway? You could've gotten hurt"

"I had this" Carl confessed as he reached behind his back and took a gun out "I took it off Daryl's bike. He'll kill me if he finds out I took it but your his girlfriend he'll be fine with you. I tried giving it so Shane but he wouldn't let me."

Cassie could see how guilty the young boy felt for something that wasn't even his fault so she tried to make him feel less scared. "Yeah I'll give it back to Daryl"

"And you have to promise not to tell my parents" Carl told her as he extended a pinky out to his aunt in the hopes she would join hers with his.

"Okay" Cassie agreed. "Now go find your mom" Cassie told him before pulling him in for a hug.

"Thank you for always being here Aunt Cassie" he whispered in her ear the he ran off Cassie walking slowly behind him as she watched him run up the stairs into the house.

She saw Daryl and Rick walk onto the porch Rick with a map in his hand. When he saw his sister in the distance he waved her over causing her to speed up. Once she reaches the house she walked up the steps and saw both men looking at the map.

"We'll drive him out to Senoia hour there hour back give or take. We may lose the light but we'll be half way home by then." Rick explained to them.

"And this whole pain in the ass will be a distant memory"

"Thank god for that" Cassie agreed.

"Good riddance"

"You can say that again"

"Carols putting together provisions, enough to last him a few days." As Rick finished the threes attention turned to the car Shane was driving towards them up the dirt path. "Listen that thing you did last night" Rick said as he turned to Daryl.

"Ain't no reason you should do all the heavy lifting" Daryl replied and Rick gave him a thankful nod. Cassie watched the pair interact now thinking maybe telling Rick wouldn't be the worst idea.

"So you good with all this?" Rick asked after a moment of silence.

"I don't see you and I trading haymakers on the side of the road. Nobody'd win that fight. Plus this one wouldn't be too happy about it" Daryl told him gesturing towards Cassie with the last part.

"No I would not" Cassie said before out of the corner of her eye she saw Shane approaching them. "Cmon let's get the last of our stuff ready to go" Cassie suggested scowling at Shane before she walked off the porch Daryl following close behind her.

"Thanks for getting us out there" Daryl said as they walked.

"No problem. Shane's being a total dick but honestly what's new"

"Why whats he done now?" Daryl asked her noticing that she was acting kinda weird.

"It's fine honestly" Cassie assured Daryl rubbing her arms. She was yet to find a jacket that could help keep out the bitter cold well her denim one not doing well at it.

"Oh I got ye something" he told her before he began to leading her to his motorbike. In one of the two side satchels on the back he pulled out a dark red leather jacket for her.

"Thanks" Cassie said as she shrugged the jacket on it fitting her perfectly, slightly oversized so she could wear a jumper underneath if she wanted, the warmth immediately helping. Daryl gave her a smile she returned before they walked away to get their bows and arrows or in Daryl's case bolts. They then walked over to T-dog who was stood by the blue pick up putting Randall's supplies in a box for him.

"Only so many arrows" T-dog said to Daryl handing him a gun.

"Bolts. Careful Daryl gets very technical over what they are" Cassie warned T-Dog with a grin as Daryl scowled.

"Shut it. This Dales gun?" Daryl asked and from the way T-dog bowed his head down slightly before he answered Cassie already knew what he was going to say.


"Wish I knew where the hell mine is"

"Oh do you mean this?" Cassie asked pulling the gun she had gotten from Carl out her waistband, waving it in front of Daryl.

"Where'd ya find it?" He asked her trying to grab it before she pulled it away.

"In the field near your old camp. You must have dropped it while we were moving out stuff" Cassie answered covering for Carl.

"Okay can I get it now?"

"Nope. Finders keepers losers weepers" she smiled putting the gun back behind her waistband.

"Ready?" Rick asked as he walked over.

"Yeah" both Cassie and Daryl responded.

"I'll get the package then" T-Dog told them, the three thanking him as he walked off towards where they were keeping Randall.

"Guys!" T-Dog yelled once he got back to camp. The only problem was he was alone. "Randall's gone!"

Stars and Scars [D.Dixon fic] TWDWhere stories live. Discover now