The both of us where in perfect sync like the moon and the sea then again her name translates to Rising Sea King. Once I stop playing Michiru also stopped playing. 

"You play the violin very well Michiru I sense you will go far." I said

"I must say the same for you. Where did you learn how to play like that?" asked Michiru.

"It's along story but mostly I thought myself somewhat." I replied.

"I see. May I ask you something?" asked Michiru.

"Yes." I replied.

"Do you think I could become a master Violinist one day?" asked Michiru

'With your playing I can see great many things from you." I said making her smile.

"Thank you for your kind words." said Michiru before her phone rang and she answered it.

"I'm sorry but I have to go." said Michiru.

"But of course but if you ever need a music partner or anything take this." I said taking out a card and with my families seal on it.

" I said taking out a card and with my families seal on it

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"What is this?" asked Michiru

"Trust me you know when to use it when the time comes." I replied with a smile. Michiru took the card and placed it in her pocket and put her violin in it's case and headed towards the door.

"Thank you again." said Michiru walking out the door. Thinking to myself she would make a great addition to the peerage but I don't want to force her so I let he be for now. I teleported away from the concert hall.

Michiru's Pov

After leaving the concert hall I was red in the face I never heard someone say that my playing was very nice and beautiful and he was kind of handsome and smart and the way he played the piano was majestic like a bird singing peacefully I just can't stop thinking about him. Thinking to myself I would very like to see him again and play with him some more but for now I had to hurry and get to music class. Later on the day I got a call from my friend saying my fellow sailor scouts where in trouble and where being attack by some some sort of monster.

 Later on the day I got a call from my friend saying my fellow sailor scouts where in trouble and where being attack by some some sort of monster

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Arriving at the scene I saw Sailor Moon and the others badly hurt. While Sailor Uranus was wrapped in one of it's tails.

"Michiru watch out this thing is way tougher then it looks." said Sailor moon. The cat like creature growled squeeze  Sailor Uranus tighter making her scream. I pulled out my deep aqua mirror and cast my attack.

"Submarine refection." I said unleashing a massive blast of water at the panther creature but it dodged but it also let go of Sailor Uranus.

"Are you alright?" I asked rushing over to Sailor Uranus said helping her up.

"I'm okay but this thing its so powerful I never seen anything like it." said Sailor Uranus before I heard a laugh coming from the creature.

"I can't say that I'm impressed from you all I was hoping for a challenge but all I see are weak humans playing dress up." said the creature.

"Just who are you?" asked Sailor Venus.

"Since you are all gonna die I just tell you . The names Panthra and now you die." said Panthra raising his tail and shot out several spikes at us they where to fast and we had hardly enough time to get out of the way before they hit the ground and exploded like grenades sending us flying away. Panthra roared and came towards me and swiped one of his claws at me cutting me in my arm making me scream in pain.

"Your screams are music to my ears." said Panthra striking me again with his claws. I could feel every cut on my skin when I tried to dodge but he was to fast for m to keep up.  The other scots tried to help but they where bombarded with explosive spikes making them to weak to even help. I was the only one trying to stand my body covered with cuts.

"Now you." said Panthra knocking me into a tree and was getting ready to attack once more but I remembered the card Satoshi gave me. I quickly took it out and head it in my hands and called out for him. There was a flash of blue light and before stood Satoshi.

"Hello there." said Satoshi.

"Satoshi is that really you?" I asked.

"You summoned a devil to help thanks to the card I gave you. I told you we will met again now rest Michiru I got this." said Satoshi.

"Thank you." I said.

(a/n: Hope you all like this chapter. Let me know what you think of it in the comments and I see you all next time)

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