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-You are not just anyone, everyone in Alfeea wants you, but you don't want them. Why?

- I can ask you the same thing, almost every girl wants you, how come you don't have a girlfriend? she asks. "This would be solved quickly if you would stop being so stubborn and admit for once that you want me at least half as much as I want you" I want to say but I don't, but instead I say:

- Maybe I'm waiting for someone special...

My hands stayed on her waist and her hand stayed on my chest. The sexual tension in the room was growing and I was not the only one who felt it. Our breaths were heavy and erratic, our chests rising and falling, my hands lightly trailing down her waist, her hands on my chest exploring every curve of my muscles. 

I slowly lower my head towards her, my forehead resting on hers, our noses touching, I swallow hard the lump in my throat closing my eyes and praying that this is not just one of my dreams that haunts me every evening, I want this moment to be real, I want all of it.

 I want to taste those fleshy lips without her slapping me like the first time. I want more than that, I want to devour those lips, to take every sensation and taste from them, I want those lips to call my name when I sink deep into her, I want to see those lips traveling on my body and exploring me, I want to see those lips wrapped around my cock and see how she takes me like a good girl, I want to feel those perfect breasts in my hands, I want to see what her skin tastes like, I want to lose myself in her juices, I want every piece and everything she is willing to offer me...

I am pulled out of my erotic thoughts by the ringing of my phone, perfect timing, perfect. How is it that we are always interrupted by something... I groan in frustration as I take a hand from her waist and take out my phone.

-What?! I ask louder than I should, this makes Musa giggle

-We will be there. I say before hanging up and slipping my phone into my pocket. I breathe and rest my head on her shoulder.

- We have to get ready and leave. I say annoyed because I'm so excited I think I'm going to have blue balls and they did nothing but ruin our moment. Couldn't they wait until I tasted those lips?

-Yeah, and you still haven't found your vest. she teases

-Fuck the vest. I grumbled over her shoulder. She keeps giggling which makes me smile. 

That's the strange thing about her, she manages to make me laugh even in the strangest or most difficult situations. I don't know if she knows what effects she has on my body, I've had women before, but none of them made me so hard all the time. It's enough to think about her and I get hard immediately...

1 hour later

We drove into the main alley exactly as Cami asked us to. Once we got out of the car, the doors of the house opened and Cami and other people came out to meet us. 

As we approach them, a blond man runs towards us and before I have time to do anything, he picks up Musa in a tight hug and spins her around. Yes, definitely Thomas. I have to fight the urge to pull out one of my knives and rip this guy's throat out. He gets on my nerves. How dare he lift her up in the air and spin with her.

-Oh, I missed you so much Mussy! he says leaving her on the ground but still hugging her.

- I missed you too, T. she answers, returning his hug.

Mussy? you? Who the hell is T? Oh I see, now they give themselves nicknames...I hate this situation, I can't stand it anymore. Now is the time, Cami to go inside.

- Musa, we should go inside. I say ruining their moment. I have never been happier with a situation.

- Um, yes, you're right. Are you coming in too? she asks her precious "T"

-Unfortunately, I have to leave now, but I'll be back soon. he says hugging her again after which he left.

Once inside, Musa and I were waiting in Cami's office. Apparently he has an office everywhere.

- Ready for the show, Mussy? I ask

-Mussy? she asks raising her eyebrows

-Any problem? You didn't seem to mind when Thomas spoke to you like that.

-Um...No, I don't mind, but since when do you call me that?

- Oh, so he can call you that, but when I do it, it's strange.

-Riven, do you have a problem with Thomas? she asks, sighing

-No. I answer, but that's not what I wanted to say, yes, yes, yes, I have a huge problem with him.

-Then stop acting like a 5-year-old, there's nothing to worry about, I've known Thomas forever.Our discussion is interrupted by Cami entering the office and explaining what we will have to do.

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