Get a bloody room!

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-And what will you do now?

-As I said, she is made for me, I will make sure that no one steals her from me or hurts Musa.

The next day, Musa was training with Beatrix. When Riven arrived at the training ground he saw her. A wide smile appeared on his face, he saw that Beatrix was tired and she had taken a break so she went to Musa.

-Hey Mus, do you want to train? Riven asked with a smirk on his face.

-I'm actually training now with Beatrix...

-Riv, I've had enough today, this fairy got the hell out of me, she's only yours. said Beatrix.

- So I understand that you are free... he said smiling at her

- Ok, ok, you are about to be beaten by a girl. added Musa, smiling at him

Riven approached Musa and whispered in her ear

- I take the risk, princess.

Musa and Riven started to train, their synchronization was enviable. They were practicing with the sticks, Musa had a pretty good shot, but Riven managed to block it.

-Someone has good moves from what I see. Riven said in between fits with heavy breathing

- I'll teach you if you want. she answered in a playful voice

Riven tries to generate attacks but she blocks them, what can I say, she was a good fighter. At one point Musa approached the edge of the platform, there was water on the floor and she slipped. Musa almost fell into the water, but Riven caught her and pulled her back.

- I've got you love, I've got you. Riven said holding her hand

- Thank you... said Musa, blushing.

-If you are tired, we can stop. Riven said in a playful voice

- I'm not tired. You're tired, you poor thing... Musa said with a chuckle.

- Ok, you wanted it. Riven said as she handed Muse a fake dagger.

-Let's see if you can manage to kill a burned one without magic.

-It's a challenge?

-I'll take it easy on you. he said with a grin. Riven attacked Musa, she blocked the blows, hitting Riven behind the knee, which made him fall to his knees. Musa came around from behind but Riven caught her and put her down, Riven was on top of her, he grabbed her wrists and whispered in her ear.

-You are as good as dead right now. he said in a deep voice.

-Maybe, or maybe not. She said in time she freed her hand, grabbed his shoulder and pushed him, Riven fell back, Musa rushed for the training dagger.

 As Riven tried to get up, he stood up, grabbed Musa by the shoulder, she grabbed his hand and put him on the ground. Musa was standing over him, the training dagger on his chest. She said with a smirk:

- You're dead.

Riven had a huge smile, Musa looked deep into his eyes, his hand was on her waist. Musa's hands were on his chest, her face was very close to his.

Riven was sitting on his back, Musa was literally sitting on top of him, they didn't even realize that Beatrix took a picture of them or that the others were looking at them. Riven put both of his hands on her waist, the smile on his face grew, his heart was beating so hard it seemed to come out of his chest.

- Well done princess. he whispered looking into her eyes. They both started laughing, they were really having fun, and Musa was still sitting on him.

- Get a bloody room! shouted one of the specialists

-Fuck off, Craig! Riven shouted. Then Musa realized that she was sitting on him and that his hands were gently caressing her waist.

- Oh, sorry! she said and immediately got up. She held out a hand to Riven to help him up. He got up and stretched.

-Damn, you know how to hit... he said with a smile while stretching his back.

- Next time I will be more delicate. Musa said with a smile

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