Is this the end?

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-She is a fighter, she always has been, you tried to help her, but you have to understand why she rejects you...

-I know, I know... said Riven looking up at the sky.

- I feel that she is hiding something from me... I don't know what, but I know that she does, those black veins are not normal.

-Riven, you should let her go, as she said, it's none of your business anymore. These quarrels are not good for him.

-You know, don't you? Riven asked

-For God's sake, Riven!

-You know what she hides from me, when I came to school, you said that she has a big secret.

-A secret must remain a secret, now if you'll excuse me, I'll go see why Silva called us.

A few days passed, days in which Riven followed Musa with great attention. He was worried about her, so he stayed in the shadows to make sure she was okay.Although he had been removed from that position, he could not forgive himself if she was in danger.

 That and the fact that Thomas was next to Musa at every step scared Riven.

Every day Musa had a new guard, which gave Riven a clue, none of them were able to protect her or none could tolerate her. She had an indescribable stubbornness accompanied by a strong personality that was hard for others to touch. This made Riven crazy about her, but it also annoyed him because she often put herself in danger.Musa was practicing with one of her new guards, he was a second year, his name was Nate. Nate was looking at her with a look that annoyed Riven, but there was nothing he could do.

- Is that all you can do? Nate asked with a chuckle

-Look and learn! Musa said playfully as she used her wooden sword to disarm him, then attacked him and knocked him down. she put her sword to his chin

-Damn it, you're good at it, said Nate, smiling at her

Musa smiled and held out a hand to help him up.- Next time I won't come easily on you. Nate said taking Musa's sword to sheathe it.

- We'll see... she said, after which she left with Nate towards the greenhouse.

Riven was far away watching everything, his heart was breaking into a billion pieces when he saw her so close to someone else, when he saw her smiling at someone else, when he saw someone else looking at her, it may sound selfish but Riven wanted her just for him , he can't bear to see anyone around her.

Although Sky was still mad at Riven, they were like brothers, he couldn't bear to see him in pain. Sky saw Riven so he went to him

-How's the training going, mate?

-What do you want, Sky? he answered in a cold voice

-I have good news.


-Silva said that your punishment is coming to an end, so in 2 days you will return to training and your usual platoon, so no more freshmen.

-This means...

-Unfortunately no, you don't go back to her...we have strict orders, I'm sorry. Riven just nodded then asked

-Why do they change her guard so often?

- Did you follow her?

-Don't change the subject, Sky.

-All right. It is a protective measure. Since you were responsible for her and had that exit, they don't want that to happen again.

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