24 | twelve percent

10 2 23


I walk right into the brick wall, also known as Lily Vale. She looks constipated, more now that's she's seen me.

"I'm short-" on cash and I shouldn't have filled my void with edibles but oh that's exactly what I did, I'm ashamed, stuffed but ashamed, they won't let me go-

"Say less." The soft haired girl produces a clutch bag. "How much?"

"Twelve dollars."

"Here you go. Let him off."

Ah, I can breath regular air again. Lilith appears creased, concerned, eyeing my collar bone massage with intense apprehension. "Thanks for that."

We start heading. Nowhere.

"Are you gonna pay me back?"

"Once I get a job and own this town, yeah with twelve percent interest."


"Come on, Lily. It wasn't that bad. You can at least crack up a smile."

That she doesn't. To emphasis my point, I hold her cheeks up for her, "Do you have a death wish?" I let go instantly.

But the curve stays.

"So. Lilith Valeria, don't you hate your name a little?"

"I hate you a little."

"Ah, the number of times I've heard that."

She stops. Glances my way, keen. "Infinite."

A sigh escapes her. "I should probably get going. Iris doesn't eat without me. It's annoying."

"My mom once went out and brought me lobster."

"Yeah so?"

"From a date," I wait for her reaction. "Said she'd rather eat with me, than him."

Iris sniggers. Or at least that's the sound it comes close to.

"You say the most random things, Everett."

"So we're cool?"

"What does that mean?"

"You have a certain aversion to men and happy endings, I um, if I'm incorrect just say so."

"No. Go ahead."

"Do you think, I can have, like a small space in your heart?" When she starts turning a shade of exasperation, I add - "As your step family, of course."

"Can you be counted on?"

"Yes, so will you?"

"I'll step on you if anything goes bad. That's all I'm getting from this."

We laughed. "Now let's head back. I don't want Dorothy to get worried."

"Can you tell Ray you'll never do him?"

"Hm.. why?"

"Just because. Would you?"

"Roger." All the while, I hold the hem of her dress. Too afraid of... Well, her. "Hold my wrist or something. This is fucking awkward."

"Yes, roger!"


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