22 | theatre maze

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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ : twenty seventh april, 28 :;

I HAVE my off days. It's Saturday, and Raycon promised he'd cook. Cook, as in wear mom's apron, use spatula for everything other than what it's meant for and prepare popcorn.

Saturdays are my off days. I flip through several cartoon channel, finally settling on Phineas and Ferb for good. A yawn falls.

Barely seven and I'm beat.

It takes a lot to do nothing at all, it seems. Your body will just use the stored energy anyway.

Not that I wanna chase a stupid ball, on the grassy hills, that's a strict no. But still.



"Tell me something hilarious."

"What did the jackal said to the turtle ?" Comes the reply.

Let's go to the movies.

Yes, my bent out of shape mother wants to catch one. While driving, she tells us it's been a looong while since she's set foot in the local theatre - or watched any movie at all.

Because Ray is package deal - they Google the latest release. We whisper discuss.

"White Devil Flower. Should we check this one?"

Picture of two guys. "No. Look at his butt sticking up."

"That's coz the guy holding him is a loser," Ray says reflexively.

"What about this one? There's a woman cherry picking?"

"That's Sara McLaren."

"That's her?"

"You live in a hole or something?"

Raycon doesn't talk afterwards. For a few minutes.

Then he begins, "Sarah is elitist, not to mention she appeared once on Harry Potter stuff and that's been her biggest flex, of like, ever. Oh, she's against Oreos."

"Against what?"

"Oreos," He says, irritatedly. "She thinks that's black supremacy."

What? I'm too stunned.

The backseat boys, aka us, discuss no further. We'll just watch whatever Dorothy wishes. It's her pick.

No sooner we get there, than there's crowd forming. The queue is longer than my large intestine in inches.

A familiar voice creeps in on us.

"Everett Evers?"


Ray and mom, perplexed, turn to me. And look back at the speaker, then to me.

"This is Lily Vale, actually. And that's my mom, and my best bud, Raycon."

"What a pretty name," Lily gasps.

Is she bipolar or something?

While I contemplate on the nearest exits, they chat for a bit. On movies of course. Safest topic.

"Lily is a pretty name as well."

She smiles. "It's short for Lilith, from the Bible you know?"

"Is that right?" Mom seems interested, one-hundred percent. "Ah, I hate to be that adult but I've gotta ask this.. Pardon me. Who are you with, sweetie?"

"Mhm... No one."

"That's a shame. You're welcome to join us."

So she does. The whole time, I feel her presence next to me. Mom and her overpoliteness. Worst, Ray's fingers and hers dip in my small bucket.

No popcorn for me.


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