Chapter 3 - Anything For You

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3rd person pov:

It was the morning. Keith wake up first. He tried to get up, but then realized that Lance was holding him very tight. Lance had a peaceful expression with a big smile on his face. Keith admired him for a couple of minutes and then did his best to leave without waking up his comrade. He gave a last look to Lance, kiss him on his forehead and left the room.

Keith didn't really mean what he just did. He was confused by his own action, but it didn't really matter since no one saw him. It's like it never happened. Lance favorite sentence...Anyway, since Lance was sleeping, Keith decided to go confort the team now. They were all sitting in the living room.

Allura: Oh good morning red Paladin. Did you sleep well?

Keith: Don't act so innocent right now. How could you guys do that to us?! How about our feelings?!

Shiro: We didn't want to do this. You know we would never want to hurt you. We tried to help you, but nothing worked. We couldn't afford to loose anymore battles. We needed to do something and fast. This doesn't last forever, just for around a month. Wich would have allow us to find a better way to help you.

Keith: Don't you realize how mess up this is?! Do you realize how embarrassing this can be ?!Feelings are NOT something you should be playing around with. What if one of us already loved someone else? What if one of us like the other one? HOW CAN YOU ALL BE SO RECKLESS!

Pidge: Is there something you would like to tell us, Keith?

Keith: ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?! THIS IS BESIDE THE POINT! You wanted to form Voltron, congratulations you have to find new Paladins, because their is no way I can ever bond with any of you. And thank to your little mess up plan, Lance will follow me no matter what.

With that Keith left the room, leaving the whole team speechless. He made a meal for Lance and him and went back to his room.

Keith: Hey Lance, wake up. It's the morning.

He said quietly.

Lance: *yawn* Anything for you sunshine, good morning. Oh you made me breakfast? Thank youuu my love.

Keith: Don't mention it.

They both smiled and eat.

Meanwhile with the rest of the team

Hunk: What are we going to do?

Pidge: This definitely didn't go as we planned ... I still don't know how Keith knew that the food was tricked.

Hunk: Maybe he didn't know.

Pidge: What do you mean?

Hunk: Maybe he just didn't like the food.

Pidge: You're onto something... But still, I think there is something they are hiding... Don't you find it weird how Keith reacted? I mean we still don't know why they started fighting...

Allura: What are you trying to say?

Pidge: I'm still not a 100% sure, but I am starting to think that they loved eachother for a while now and something happened that secretly hurt both of them since none of them probably confessed...

They all stand there, in shock.


Pidge: I'm just very smart.

She said as she smiled.

Allura: If what you're saying is true, this just make things worst, since, in a way, we forced Lance to confess. How can we fix this now?

Coran: And if the blue paladin really loved the red paladin, why keep flirting with the princess?

Pidge: He probably had a hard time accepting his feeling for Keith since he saw him as his rival and try to hide it. Or maybe he thought that Keith wouldn't feel the same? I mean I don't have all the answers, I'm just guessing. But if we were able to make get togheter, maybe they will forgive us. For now, we need to find a way to get them somewhere romantic, where they can't lie to eachother.

Allura: I may have an idea for that.... But how are we going to convince Keith to come with us? Even if we say it's a mission, he probably won't want to come. And there is no point in trying to convice Lance, since he will do whatever Keith wants.

Shiro: I can try to convince him...

Back with Lance and Keith

They are done eating. Lance looked at Keith the whole time. Keith had to admit that he liked all the attention he got form Lance. Of course he doesn't like that Lance was under a spell. Of course, he doesn't like that Lance had to love him even if he didn't want to. But he had to admit that he felt jealous everytime the blue paladin flirts with girls. Since the beginning of their trip, he always wanted to be the only person Lance had eyes on. And even if he hated that this wasn't coming form Lance. He was kind of relived to not have to see him flirt with other people. And mostly, he was finally getting what all the girls of the galaxy got. But even more!

He knew that when the effects last off, he would have to confess to Lance. He couldn't keep on hoping that something will happen. Or it happens or he give up. Their friendship was already ruin because of that stupid kiss, he had nothing to loose...wait you don't know what kiss I'm talking about? Oh don't worry readers, you will soon know...

Keith left the room with the dirty dishes to put them in the sink. On his way out, he saw Shiro.

Shiro: Hey Keith, can we talk?

Keith: I don't really want to...

Shiro: The team and I feel really bad about what we did. We are truly sorry. We promise to never do something like that ever. To make up for it, we wanted to take both of you and the rest of the team to a special planet that have like a funfair to have some fun.

Keith: Why would I have fun in a funfair?

Shiro: Maybe you won't like it that much, but don't you think that Lance would like it? You know he won't come without you and both of you can't stay in your room forever. You know, it may not look like it, but we wanted what's for you two too. Imagine if one us died, because we weren't able to form Voltron. You have to understand that we couldn't just stay there and do nothing. Of course, this was not the best idea. But if you think about it, you were both supposed to be in love, so you're both going to be happy and the Galaxy would be saved.

Keith: And you think Pidge wouldn't take picture and videos of us to use it later?

Shiro: Of course, she would have. Well, she would, if she had her phone...

Shiro took Pidge's phone out of his pocket and winked at Keith.

Shiro: So do you want to come?

Keith: Yeah ... We will.

Shiro: Thank you.

Shiro then left and Keith went back to his room.

Keith really didn't want to go to this funfair. He hates this kind of events. Too much people, too much music, too much everything. But he couldn't stop Lance form having fun. He didn't want Lance to suffer just because he didn't like social events. Mostly that he knew that Lance is a very social person. Atleast, this time Keith won't be alone, since Lance would be glued to him the whole time.

When Keith went back to his room, Lance's smile went as big as it can, wich made Keith smiles too. He told Lance about the funfair, wich of course excited him.

Lance: Hey Keith, I need to go dress, but I don't want to go see the team again alone, can you wait for me, so we go together?

Keith: Of course I can, my love, anything for you.

For The Greater Good - Klance, love potion AuWhere stories live. Discover now