Chapter 1- What Other Choice Do We Have?

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3rd person Pov :

It's been quite some times since someone saw Keith and Lance laugh togheter... Or atleast stay in the same room. No one knows why, but after one random mission, both of them stopped talking to eachother, stopped being beside eachother, stopped acknowledging the existence of eachother. Even when they are forced to be around eachother, they stay as far away as possible and don't say a word. It's basically like they were ghost. Keith stayed more alone than ever and Lance started to talk less, almost none. They were here and not here at the same time. Of course, this lead to them not being able to form Voltron in their last mission. They were able to succeed at the end, thanks to Allura and Coran who help them fight with the castle.
After this, the rest of the team knew they needed to do something. Without Voltron, the Galras will win.

Allura: Paladins, I think it's time for us to have a little bonding exercise. What happend last time should never happen again. We can't afford to loose. So that's why today we are going to do some activities to help us bond with eachother. First, we are going to start by falling into eachothers arm. Let me and Shiro demonstrate.

Shiro got up, stand behind the princess and catch her as she falls.

Allura: See? Very easy. Keith and Lance you're up next.

Keith rolled his eyes. When they failed to form Voltron, he knew that they would try to fix his friendship with Lance. But he also knew, that nothing could fix it. There was no hope. Him and Lance would never be friends again and that is that. He still did whatever the princess ask so Shiro wouldn't be mad at him. He was already angry with Lance, he didn't want to be angry with someone else, mostly someone who is like his big brother.

Lance: Am I supposed to catch Keith or is he supposed to catch me?

Keith: I'll catch you, there is no way I'm trusting you.

Lance: I don't remember asking you Mullet, Princess?

Allura rised her eyes.

Allura: Why does it even matter? Keith you catch Lance.

Lance: What?! Why?

Keith: You heared the Princess, Lance. Come here and let's get over with it quickly.

Lance tried to fall back, but stopped middle way. He tried again and failed again. And again, and again and again.

Keith: What's your problem, man?! Just fall, I'll catch you!

Lance started panicking.

Lance: I know that! I swear I'm trying my best... I don't know why...

Allura: Okay, this is not working, let's start with the next exercise.

Lance: What about the others?

Allura: I'm not worried about them.

Lance: What?

Everyone left the room and went outside, leaving Lance confused. He was the only one not realizing that his relationship with Keith was what stopped them form forming Voltron.

Allura: Okay, this time Lance you will have to pass through this maze with Keith's indication.

The maze was so huge, the walls were twice as big as any of them.

Lance: What, us again!? What about the others?!

Shiro: Keith and you are the only one not getting alone in this ship. Your realitionship is what stopping us form forming Voltron.

Lance was shocked. He look around. Everyone watch him with a little bit of anger in their eyes, mostly Keith. Lance was sure that only Keith and him knew about their conflict. But, no. Everyone knew. And it was all affecting them. Lance felt ashamed and just went through the maze.

Keith gave him instructions. Left, right, left, right. Lance followed without saying anything. At some point, Keith wanted to light up the mood and send Lance straight into a wall.

Keith: Oops, I didn't see that it, my bad.

Lance didn't say anything. He didn't react. Nothing. He felt too bad about being the reason why they couldn't form Voltron that he didn't want to cause anymore problems. He already felt useless, he didn't want to also bring down the team down. Keith felt bad after this. He didn't know why Lance didn't react. To not make anything worst, he just helped Lance escaped the maze.
Once it was done, the whole team reunited again.

Allura: Good job paladins ! So, how are you feeling?

Lance put on a fake a smile.

Lance: Very good, sorry for not trusting you earlier Keith.

Keith directly knew that it was a fake smile. He might hate Lance, but he definitely knew him more than everyone else. He decided to not say anything about it, to not make things worst.

Keith: Oh, don't worry about it.

The alarm start ringing. Someone needed saving. They all went into their lions. Started to fight and fast realized that they needed Voltron.
When they tried forming it, it failed again. And once again, they got saved by the castle. It's a good thing Allura and Coran were there.
Back to the castle, most of the team was just fed up. Lance left fast to hide in his room. He might was hungry, but nothing was worth seeing the disappointment on his teammate's faces. Keith stand there, no words. He went to eat and then left for his room. He secretly took some snacks and left them in front of Lance's door. He knocked and then left before Lance could see him. He might hate him to death, but he wasn't going to let him starve and he knew that he wasn't going to get food on his own.
He really knew the guy.

The rest of the team were anxious. What were they going to do? They were worried for their friends, but mostly for the galaxy. What were they going to do without Voltron? Allura suddenly got an idea.

Allura: I have an idea. I doubt any of you will like it tho....but what other choice do we have?

For The Greater Good - Klance, love potion AuWhere stories live. Discover now