'Here', Bucky says and gives me a spoon full of a bit of everything from the garbage plate, usually I'd have my own spoon to eat with, but Bucky made it a rule that if we share a plate, we also share a spoon, so I didn't argue about it.

'We might get fat with you guys cooking like this', Sam tells us and we laugh.

'Fattening you guys up isn't the worse thing', Evie says next and we're snickering again.

I look at Bucky and smile to see how much he's enjoying his food, he's usually particular, but with all this food, him along with Steve had more to eat then anyone and it's just good that they enjoyed themselves.

I watch as he takes the last bite and when he eats it, he looks at me and realises, usually he'd give me the first and last bite, but given how much he enjoyed himself, I didn't mind at all, 'sorry', he mutters and I smile, 'it's fine, but I want a promise of doughnuts'. I tell him and he chuckles and shares a kiss on the corner of my lips.

'Thank you', he mutters and I smile at him, 'your welcome', I respond and then move my hand over his, our love language is touch when we're with company and it becomes more intimate when we're alone, but with these touches, it shows us both that we love each other.


'Watch', I tell Grace when I lather my hands with enough dish soap and form a diamond shape with my hands where there's a gap between my palm and gently blow through it, where a huge bubble forms and releases when it's big enough and flys just between us.

Grace laughs and when she reaches out to pop it, Emori jumps up and catches it between her teeth where she thought it was something to eat and we laugh.

'Again, again, again', she chimes to me and I laugh and follow the process again, 'you're going to waste all the dish soap', Nat tells me and I look over at her with the team all smiling at me, 'I'll get another bottle, don't worry', I said and they laugh this time until my attention is drawn back to Grace who coughs then sneezes, 'bless you', I said and tap her nose when it crinkles and she sneezes, twice then three more times, 'you get six wishes', I said and she smiles when she looks up at me and I'm noticing the tip of her nose crimson red with her cheeks blush pink, so the first thing I do is put my hand on her forehead, 'I think you might be running down with a fever', I tell her when I feel her temperature and she scowls, 'I'm not sick', she says when I take my hand back and laugh to myself, because one thing Grace hates is being sick.

'Tell me that when your temperature isn't high', I said and scowls even harder, 'I'm not...', she begins but I wave her off, 'yes, yes, I heard you the first time', I tell her.


I've been entertaining Grace's idea of her not being sick, but every minute that passed, she was getting worse and the last straw was when me and Evie were out grabbing medicine for her and when we returned to the compound, the team were around Grace, who was laid sprawled up on the sofa in a ball and I'm as worried as the team, 'okay, games over, your sick and we're taking care of you', I said and wrap her up in the throw that was on top of the sofa and give her a warm smile to cheer her up, 'you'll be fine, don't look at me like that', I tell her and she buries herself in the throw.

'I'm cold', she whispered, then her teeth clatter together and I place my hand on her cheek, 'how about a hot cup of coco and a nice warm flask', Evie tells her and that earns her a smile from her, 'yes please', she says and we laugh.

'I'll do the flask', I offer and then get up and walk over to the kitchen with Evie already there and getting started on the coco.

'Here you go', Evie says and slides a bottle of liquor towards me and I grab a towel and a lighter.

Bucky Barnes X Y/n: I hate you, I love youWhere stories live. Discover now