Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


"I see you're just as disobedient as you were on the day you received your position." My lorno squinted his dark eyes at me as my tail tapped impatiently against the floor. I would rather be out there with my mate than to be here entertaining him. "I'll ask again, will you sit down so we can have a civilized conversation?" He asked while leaning back in his seat, causing it to squeal beneath his weight.

"You can tell me what you have to say while I'm standing. I'm sure it won't be something I like nor need to know." I remarked as he scowled at me.

"It is something you need to know. The elders AND myself believe that you're bringing danger into our tribe. This human you keep parading around, doesn't belong amongst us." He watched me, like he had always done, but when I didn't react to his words, he scowled.

"See, those are your personal opinions. You'd be happy if I were to mate with Azora." He nodded frantically at that as I pursed my lips together. "But, I don't feel anything for her. She doesn't even care about the people of the tribe anymore than the status that comes with mating with me. Accepting Azora would be denying the gods and goddesses. They brought my human here for a reason. Whether or not you and the elders accept her, she will still be my mate and the leader of this tribe."

"The elders can vote against you. The people will never accept your human." He sneered as I nodded much to his surprise.

"If that's what you believe, so be it. The only reason you're pushing for me to get mated to Azora is because her lorno's lorno is the head elder. There's nothing like staying in his good graces, right?" I asked as he frowned at me before I turned to walk away. "And my human has a name. It's Nuri but you shall call her your leader." And with that, I turned and opened his office door only to be met by Nuri. How much of the conversation did she hear?

"Your mom said the bathroom was around this way." She stated, her usual frown replaced by a stoic face, one that I didn't like. It felt like she was shutting herself out from showing her expressions. I would rather have her frowning at me than not showing anything at all.

"I'll show you," I spoke up while slowly closing the door behind me before it was yanked out of my hand. Frowning, I turned to see my lorno standing in the doorway scowling down at Nuri.

"No need to lie, human. I meant everything I said. You don't belong here and you will never be our leader." He sneered as a growl ripped through me, vibrating off the walls with how fierce it was.

"You will not speak to her like that!" I roared as my lorno stood his ground while growling back at me. "She will be your leader! I do not care what you nor the elders think!"

"Watch your tone, fledgling! I can strip your title and you'll both be nothing!" He roared back while stepping closer to me, challenging me to go against him. He didn't know me too well. I thought while stepping closer to him as surprise crossed through his eyes.

"You act like I care. Apologize to Nuri for the ficos you just said!" I demanded while pointing to my mate who quietly stood next to my lorna. She was frowning at us with her arm wrapped around Nuri's shoulders.

"What is the meaning of this?" My lorna asked while looking between us. "We could hear you shouting from the kitchen."

"Nothing, my sweet. Just putting our fledgling in his place." My lorno spoke up as I quickly snapped my head back to him. The fuck did he just say?

"Putting him in his place? That's not what it sounded like to me. Our child is grown and has found his mate. You and the elders can fuck off when it comes to Nuri. She has done no wrong. I will not tolerate you putting her down and calling her names in my house." My lorna growled as I quickly turned back to her in surprise. "You speak rashly before you get to know her and that's your problem, Vutur! Unless you want to be sleeping on the streets, you better apologize now!" She demanded, smoke slowly sifting through her nose.

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