Jerk for a Roomate

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pic of luke on the top by the title

~~~~~~~~~Ariana POV~~~~~~~~~

I slide my glasses off then rub my eyes as I and sigh loudly. This was a total nightmare; I had been looking for an apartment and making calls for the last two hours and found nothing. I had even stood low enough to go on craigslist to find someone with a room available. I didn't have a car so I needed to get a place close enough to walk to the university and I had yet to find it. I knew that waiting so close to the start of the semester would make it difficult to find a room available but I had to wait for my financial aid to kick in. Now I was only a few days away from starting at my university and I still had no idea where I would be living.

Sure I could stay home for another few months even a year my mom would love that idea. But I didn't want to stay home any more. I loved living at home, loved my mom and how half the time she wasn't around so it actually felt like I was already living on my own. If it wasn't for a pesky little sister I would have no trouble staying longer. No I couldn't just blame everything on her the truth was I wanted to move out already. I wanted a life for my self and I wanted to live a little or at least pretend I was living a little by being out on my own.

Who was I kidding? I was a nerd in high school a nerd at community college and I will be a nerd at my new university... but at least I wanted to be a nerd with privacy. I didn't think I was that bad looking I mean sure I wore glasses and didn't have a girly clothing style or wore much make up. It's just my mom wasn't the best example she was a town boy and I didn't really have anyone to guide me through that stuff. Everything I knew about make up I figured out or found online. Yeah sometimes I watched bubzbeauty on youtube but so far I have only picked up how to put concealer on. I wasn't super fat or ugly I was just average and socially awkward I think.

After a short break I keep on searching and go through google and craigslist again. I scroll through the ads one more time and decided to just look through the ads with out images. I ended up finding one with link I clicked it and it looked legit so I called.

"Hi I'm calling to see if you have any rooms available... I would rather get a two bedroom apartment with a roommate? It says on your website that you do the paring?" I ask nervously. If there is one thing I hate IS TALKING ON THE PHONE. I just always think I sound stupid and everything comes out in a rush.

"Well... to be honest you're cutting it kind of short sweetie" the guy on the other line said. "Classes start Monday and I have most if not all of my rooms gone..."

"Please I'll take any space you have" I cry hopeful I really wanted to be out of the house even and experience living with a roommate something a collage student must do!

"I have one space... someone else has called earlier about it" the man says unconvinced on whether to give me the room or not.

"Look I really need to move out so I really need to get this room" I keep pleading.

"Well the person that wanted it didn't seem convinced so if you're sure then it's yours but you have to come down here TODAY" he says.

"Yes of course I can be there in less than an hour" I say smiling brightly. He gave me his number and made sure I had the right address.

"Cya in an hour!" I say cheerfully.

I couldn't believe it! I was going to move out I was going to finally get to move out. I literally jumped up from my seat and skipped around my house gathering my things to go. I made sure to have money in my wallet and my card. I didn't need to put a deposit down since there was some move in promotion but I did need the first payment of the month which would be 500 dollars not so bad for a room. In my city rent was usually pretty high since it's a nice place.

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