Chapter 1 - Firework

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It was festival time in the village...
Everyone was celebrating their newly appointed hogage ....."Lady Tsunade", the fifth hogage who was also one of the Legendary Sanins.
The festival was filled with different types of games, music and good food.
In the streets people wore kimonos and festive outfits. Everyone in Konoha was having fun at the festival.

Kakashi had just gotten back from an S-rank mission two days ago and took this day off roaming around the streets of Konoha checking the festival mood in his blue kimono.
"Ahh seems like it wasn't such a bad idea to take the day off", he said looking up at the fireworks.
The people were busy looking at the fireworks too and soon the streets were crowded. Kakashi let out a sigh.....~
"Just when i thought it was getting peaceful...."

He walked away from the festive crowd and was making his way over to a distant bridge where he could get a not so clear view of the fireworks but some fresh air and away from all the commotion.
As he got nearer to the bridge, his eyes came to meet an aesthetic figure.
To his surprise ....someone was already standing there,
A girl in purple kimono and white flowers stood there silently watching the firework display.
"I thought no one would come here"........Kakashi uttered in a lazy voice narrowing his eye.

The girl looked peaceful from behind.
A thought finds its way to Kakashi, "how pleasant looking ".
His eyes were fixed on the girl and he walked towards her direction.
When he got close to the girl......the girl sensed someone was behind her and turned around.
His eyes widened when he saw who the girl was.
It was Hinata, one of Kakashi's students.

"Ohh .... Hinata! it's you" ...... he greeted her with a smile,
"Sen..seii!!!?..." , Hinata exclaimed in a shy and startled manner.
"What are you doing here alone ??", he asked curious.
"I ...wanted to see ....the fireworks from a quiet place", she said timidly.
"Oh too ", he said, his eyes looking at the night sky above with a smile.
"If it's okay with you can i watch the fireworks with you Hinata??", Kakashi asked looking down at her.
Hinata nodded and smiled innocently at her Sensei.

Kakashi stood next to her and continued to watch the firework display.
After some time his eyes caught a glimpse of his student who was also watching the fireworks with a bright face .
She looked happy even though she was not smiling.
He looked at her with one eye as she stared at the fireworks not noticing his gaze. Some moments ago he also got a glimpse of her physique from behind. For some reason he fully noticed her today.

"Hinata's pretty ", Kakashi thought .
He was just being honest, Hinata was very beautiful.
Her large lilac eyes ..., full pink lips , silky long black hair and clear milky skin. Anyone would find her pretty.
Tonight she looked extra pretty for Naruto - kun.
She dressed in a beautiful purple coloured kimono that complimented her.
The shape of her perfect round breasts, her small waist and long slender legs could be seen perfectly in her kimono .

Naruto invited Hinata along with Sakura, Ino, Shikamaru, Lee, Neji and the rest of the gang but at the last moment he was assigned to an important mission for protection of a feudal lord in the Land of grass. He had no choice but to go and with Naruto kun gone Hinata didn't feel like attending the festival so she made some excuse and left half way . Neji offered to drop her but she told him to stay and have fun. She didnt want to ruin his fun , then she greeted everyone and parted ways .

On her way back ....she stopped at a bridge to look at the fireworks. She missed the blonde haired baka.
"All this hardwork trying to look pretty for him and he didn't even come".....Hinata sighed looking down disappointed.
"I wish I could watch this with Naruto- kun", she thought, this time her eyes looking above.
Back to present

Hinata's kimono obi was hardly supporting her big breasts . She looked seductive in her kimono even though it was just a simple kimono, her flattering body was to blame.
Kakashi's eyes unknowingly looked down at her breasts.
" Th-thatss big" ....the first thing he thought. He couldn't help but look in her direction, she looked quite different today, good different.
As he kept staring, he suddenly imagined how soft it'll be to touch, then he realised what he just thought of and put his hand on his face covering his eyes.
"Wowwww you dumbass....WWHY the Fuckk did YOU just thinkk that!!!"
His mind replayed what he just thought of,
"STOP! Kakashi YOU perv. Come back to your senses. She's your student !!"
"How could u think that .... BAka!!"

Hinata turned back and saw Kakashi looking down, his cheeks were red.
"um...are you okay Kakashi sensei??"
"Ha-haii I'm.... I'm fine .....don't worry about it", he smiled nervously.
Not knowing what happened Hinata just looked at her sensei with a pure smile.
He looked at her embarrassed but glad she didn't notice.
Hinata looked at her sensei in confusion wondering if he was really fine because when she turned to look at him his face looked really red.
She was still thinking when out of nowhere a dog came running from behind Hinata. It was one of Kakashi's ninja dog, "Pakkun" and ofcourse it could talk was a ninja afterall.

"Yoo... Kakashi..", said the dog from behind Hinata which made Hinata jump making her lose her balance, she toppled on Kakashi.
Kakashi groaned a little from the weight on his chest and falling on his back.
She fell down on all fours with Kakashi between her legs....just an inch away from his face. Hinata blushed so hard at this. Her face turned bright red and she couldn't breathe. She was a shy girl to begin with and falling in this position on top of a man felt like her worst nightmare and this was her teacher.....*sobs internally*
She didn't waste another second and removed her face from his sight and instantly sat in an upright position on top of him. Her mind blank.

"Ah-..ahhhhhh !!!! Sen..seiii! Gomennnnn I'm so sorryy" she said in the most embarassed and startled manner.
Kakashi just looked down to where she was sitting.....-it was uh his....-
She looked down and immediately realised in embarassment and they both stood up at once.
Kakashi faced the other side rubbing his neck with one hand.
Hinata apologised again hardly able to let out a full sentence.
"I-Im sor...ry .... KaKakashi Sensei ..I-I..ah I saww ....a ....., a-..ndd it .....itt talked an-d I-I fell", she tried to explain but her words weren't forming sentences so she just stood there clutching both her hands tightly together in embarassment.

Kakashi didn't know her well but he kind of figured she was a shy person.
" It's okay, Hinata I'm not injured", he said with a smile also flustered but he tried to put her at ease.
She was finally able to breathe when she heard him say that.
"Im still very sorry sensei"...she said.
"No, Sensei is sorry too ..... it's my summoning dog who came to give me this scroll for my next assignment", Kakashi said pointing at the scroll in Pakkun's mouth.
"A ninja dog I-I see....I shouldn't have been so shocked", Hinata smiled awkwardly in embarassment.
"Well it was my fault for startling you from behind pretty lady ....gomen", Pakkun said as he poofed in air.

Kakashi and Hinata both let out embarrassed awkward laughs.
"Umm.... it's getting pretty late Sensei I should be heading home, thankyou for watching the fireworks with me", she bowed in respect and thanked him.
"You don't have to thank me for that Hinata", Kakashi replied with a polite smile.
After that they both crossed the small bridge together and at the end they wished each other goodnight formally and headed in the opposite directions. Hinata left first and as Kakashi was about to leave......he saw some shadowy figure move and disappear in the dark side of the road where Hinata was headed. "Was it just my imagination?", he thought and headed in his direction.
Hinata was still thinking about what happened earlier with Kakashi Sensei and didn't see ahead of her. She was just walking straight staring at the solid ground, not noticing the shadows awaiting her.

In the shadows there were men with malicious intent waiting for Hinata.
One of the men in the dark whispered, "look at her body!".
"Let's get this over with.....I can't wait", another one said ready with a kunai in his hand.
As Hinata got closer to the end of the road, she still didn't notice the shadows. Her mind was somewhere else. Suddenly Hinata felt someone touch her arm.
Somebody pulled her !!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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