Chapter 1

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"We'll have everything, just come. Invite everyone. Yes," Faith was walking back and forth in front of my bed, holding her phone in her hand. She was making gestures as she spoke about how 'insane' tonight would be. "Yes. I'm sure, everyone. We're claiming this year Bree!"

Faith was always so enthusiastic about this sort of thing. She's one of the popular girls; not 'captain of the cheer team'/peppy popular, but 'life of the party'/fun popular. Everyone in the school knew her, and everyone loved her. But I was her polar opposite. Barely anyone knew me, I was a wallflower. Majority of my time is spent reading, studying, or gaming. I was never social.

Yet, somehow, she's one of my best friends.

"Yeah, don't let Marley find out." There were long pauses between her abrupt shouting, "Because!" She yelled, surprisingly louder, making me jump slightly. My heart was racing, I widened my eyes at her to make a point. She just rolled her eyes and continued on to Bree about how our younger siblings can't find out about whatever she was doing tonight. My heart rate returned to normal as I stood up, leaving my own room to give Faith privacy. Or at least that's what I told myself, I just wanted to get away from her. I wasn't in the mood to be an accomplice to whatever scheme she was planning.

"Dude! Get in the fucking car, the storm is coming!" Lucas was yelling at his computer monitor, completely unaware that I was in his vicinity.

I walked into the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinets for a snack. Suddenly I hear her again, "Yes," Faith's voice dragged enthusiastically, "It's gonna be great. Okay, I'm in the living room now."

I sighed at my inability to escape. I decided to try tuning them out instead of escaping, it seemed like the best option. Once I found my chips, I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Faith was still on the phone and Lucas was still randomly yelling callouts, but I did my best to ignore them both. I was particularly skilled in tuning out chaos.

"Don't worry about it. I'll cover for you," Faith's comment was clearly something I needed to pay attention to.

"Nah, nah. Because why would you help me?" Lucas was excitedly arguing back, "You must have a reason."

"I just want to be a cool big sister," She shrugged at him.

"Liar!" He shrieked, "You wanna invite your boyfriend or something and you don't want me to tell mom and dad."

"No! I don't even have a boyfriend!"

"Something, I'm not going to Josh's. I'm staying to see what you're trying to hide," He crossed his arms with determination, smirking.

"You little shit," Faith mumbled lowly. A moment later she exclaimed, "I'll give you 20 bucks."

Lucas thought about it, genuinely considering her offer. Finally he responded, "40 and we have a deal."

Faith's eyes narrowed at him, the stare down grew more intense until she broke, "Deal."

Lucas celebrated to himself before putting his headphones on, telling his friend that he was going over to his house tonight. I watched Faith texting furiously as she sat on the couch with me. Suddenly her phone rang, she answered it quickly.

"Is Oli going, or not?" She asked whoever was on the phone.

I sighed, standing up and taking my chips into my room. I made a point to shut the door behind me. I rarely got time to myself, with my siblings living such hectic lives I was always caught up in collateral. But, I did my best to keep to myself. It was how I protected my peace.

I grabbed my book and opened it as I got in bed. I laid on my stomach, my chips next to my free hand. I munched away as I read, immersing myself in another reality. Time seemed to fly, before I knew it my door flew open.

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