- It didn't need to come down to this, you know. – I say.

- You're one to speak, betraying the pack for a domestic. – he states fiercely.

- I never betrayed anyone. If you had let me, I would've explained. I want you to know, that I'm sorry we couldn't get along before. I could've done something to try and connect with you...but what's about to happen, you brought it to yourself. –

- Talk all you want Brosme, I'm not holding back this time. –

Then without further warning, he charged at full speed. I quickly move out of the way and dodge the tackle. He turns back to me and starts launching a series of attacks, forcing me to respond to my punches. The fight's nothing like any other duel before, this time it's more serious. The attacks coming from Dyrus are harder, faster, fiercer; filled with anger and certainty. Normally, when he fights against me, he tends to be more cautious, but not this time, he's going all out. I have never seen him fight this quickly, it becomes a little overwhelming. He manages to find an opening and lands a clean punch to my face. The punch is strong, but I manage to keep my balance and grab his arm, throwing him away, and getting some distance between us. I wipe my bottom lip, leaving some blood on my hand. Huh, maybe I underestimated him.

He wastes no time and charges at me to continue with another round of restless attacks. I can't find any opening in his attacks, he's changing the rhythm and direction constantly, making it even more difficult. So, I continue dodging and diverting his attacks. I know that if it comes down to endurance, I'm sure to win. I just need to continue dealing with him until he wears down. Dyrus then throws a punch to my ribs, so I quickly close the gap between us to tackle him lightly and get some distance between us again. He huffs as he tumbles backward, catching his balance.

- What happened Brosme, are you afraid of fighting me head-on? I knew you were weak. Is this how an Alpha fights? No... you just don't have it in you. – he criticizes.

The comment is spot on to make me start fuming. I look around the entire pack watching the fight. My eyes land on Alaric, looking at us with a stern face. The council members are also judging the fight. Dyrus is right. This is not how an Alpha fights. The challenge is not just about deciding which one of us stays, but also to determine if I'm worthy of becoming the next Alpha. I search for Nymeria; her face is concerned and troubled. As soon as she notices I'm seeing her, she smiles a bit, nodding in my direction. She is counting on me, my whole family counts on me too. Okay Caleb, get your head in the game!

Dyrus is giving it his all, that's why he's fighting so well. You can't fight while worrying about other things. Fighting without giving it your 100% is not how an Alpha would do it. Otherwise, why stay here? This is a fight about who wants it more, and you can't let Dyrus be the one who wins.

- You're right. – I acknowledge, catching everyone's attention. – The pack needs a strong Alpha to rely on. I apologize for not taking this fight as seriously as I should, it won't happen again. – I say, taking a deep breath and getting into a fighting position.

I charge at Dyrus at full speed. I threatened to throw a punch to his face, which he quickly tries blocking, but at the last second, I change direction and instead throw a punch with my other hand to his ribs. He's barely able to get his hand to cover his body, offering some kind of protection. Still, the punch is hard, I could even feel the bone crack. It didn't snap in two, it'll probably heal in no time, but I'm sure it hurt like hell. The young beta steps back quickly, getting some distance to recover. Since we are still pack, I can feel the pain flowing through his arm. It's discomforting knowing that I caused that to a member of my pack, and it's even more bizarre feeling it as well. He holds his forearm massaging it a little to ease the pain.

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