╬ 010; Without You ╬

Start from the beginning

Ivanna then smiles, then quickly ran down the halls.

"He really does love her, doesn't he?" Melissa whispers, seeing the way how Stiles was staring at the female Wolf.

"Shame she doesn't feel the same way." Scott whispers back with a sigh.


During the night, inside the hospital, whilst the others were trying to distract the Alpha pack, Peter Hale tried to get Cora Hale inside a vehicle where Ivanna Lahey would be inside.

"Okay, okay, i got her." Peter then says, as he closed the backdoor.

Peter stares at Ivanna, who was sitting in the driver's seat, not making a move.

"Ivanna, what are you doing? Move!" Peter shouts.

"Isaac." Ivanna states.

"Oh my god! He'll catch up!" Peter says irritated.

"No, i'm not going anywhere without him." Ivanna stubbornly says.

Peter's eye twitched in annoyance as he stares at the young Beta.


"What?" Ivanna asks with a calming smile.

"The Argents are distracting the twins, it's giving us time to leave!"

Allison Argent and Chris Argent was seen standing side by side in front of the hospital, shooting arrows at the Alphas.

"Yeah, and that's really badass." Ivanna says not caring.

"Ivanna! You have to move! Drive! Drive the goddamn car! Do you want the Argent's to die too?" Peter's eyes widened at her.

Ivanna then grins, shrugging at him. "Well, i mean..."

"Yeah, i don't really care for them either, but...now's not the time."

Peter's blue eyes then saw Isaac rushing towards the car, him quickly diving inside the passenger seat, heavily breathing out.

"I-i thought you–– left me." Isaac breathlessly says, but a relieving look was seen on his face.

"I'd never leave, not without you." Ivanna says, whispering to her brother, Isaac softly staring at her.

Peter, who was in the backseat, stares at the siblings in annoyance.


Peter laughed sarcastically, making both siblings frown at him.

"Yeah, sorry to interrupt your sibling bonding, but we have bigger things at hand here." Peter says annoyed.

"Drive, Ivanna! For the love of God! Please, drive!" Peter groans annoyed.

"Yeah, right, sorry." Ivanna mumbles an apology.

The brunette pulling out of parking, her driving down the dark and rainy roads.

"Think they left? Because so did the twins." Allison says to her father in worry.

Ivanna was seen stepping onto the brakes hard as she saw the twins standing at the near end of the road.

"The twins, what am i supposed to do?" Ivanna asked Peter.

"Find another escape." Peter impatiently says.

"All the other roads are closed." Isaac then informs nervously.

"Plan B." Peter whispers.

"You want me to run them over?" Ivanna asks in shock.

"They'll get up and heal, no worries, come on, drive." Peter impatiently says.

"Oh, god, go slow." Isaac muttered.

Ivanna sped down the roads, tires screeching across the road.

"Oh, god, no, go slow." Isaac chocked out.

"Don't stop, Ivanna, don't stop, keep going, go faster!"

"Faster?" Ivanna repeats.

"Faster." Peter states.

Ivanna pressed harder onto the gas, the twins eyes widening in shock at the car that was coming at them.

The twins then felt their selves being flown up in the air, the car swerving around, then the three wolves seeing the twins flying back down.

"Oh, it's over?" Isaac breathlessly asks.

"They're getting back up..." Ivanna whispers.

The twins groaned out weakly, their wounds slowly healing.

Peter then smirks. "We're just getting started, my friend."

"Go, now! Even more fast!" Peter instructed.

Ivanna then expeditiously drove down the roads, much to Isaac's disapproval.

Peter then turned around, seeing how angry the twins were, then smirked.

"Are they angry?" Ivanna asks as she looked down the road.

Peter then smirks. "Livid."

Isaac gasped out breathlessly, trying to catch his breath.

Peter rolls his eyes with a sigh, thinking the curly, dirty blonde haired Beta was being dramatic.


At Derek's loft, Ivanna was seen sitting nearby the bed Cora was seen lying on, her taking a hold onto the blonde's hand, taking away a little of her pain.

Black veins formed on Ivanna's arm, crawling up and going to her face, her eyes closing, her gasping out in pain, a shudder followed after.

Cora's body was seen moving up slight in pain, then dropping back down.

Peter Hale was seen standing by the doorway, Ivanna knowing he was there by his scent, talked to him.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Ivanna painfully asked.

"I don't know what it is." Peter avoided her question.

"Where's Derek?" Ivanna then asks.

"With Jennifer." Peter simply says.

Ivanna then slowly let go of Cora's hand, then turning around to look at Peter.


"I'm gonna leave." Ivanna then says.

"Cora wants you here, you don't have to leave." Peter says.

Ivanna then looked past Peter then saw Derek.

"Derek's here!" Ivanna sarcastically smiles.

Ivanna then walked out of the room, passing the men.

Derek, who seemed stressed, looked at his uncle.

"She hates me, doesn't she?"



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