Chapter Eight: Intruder

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Xionglong leapt forward, splattering perfectly white snow in all directions. "Who dares enter my dominions without permit?" Her orotund voice rebounded off the spells surrounding the lake, creating an echo that lasted for more than a minute. "Show yourselves!" Xionglong growled, menace dripping from her every word.

But nothing happened. The lake stayed as serene as ever.

Xionglong breathed in, a deep breath that only got her more riled up. "I shall only say this once. Reveal yourself!" She only waited thirty seconds before opening her mouth and letting out a stream of fire that felt scorching even from thirty meters away.

I took a step back. The fire wasn't aimed toward me, and I knew it wouldn't kill me if it touched me, but the heat . . . didn't feel good, to say the least.

Before Xionglong could let out another breath, there was a yelp from somewhere among the trees. "Okay, okay! We're coming!"

My eyes narrowed, my hand instinctively reaching for my arrows. I knew that voice.


I should have kept myself hidden, but I couldn't resist a chance to get under his nerves. I knocked an arrow and stepped out from behind Xionglong, my hand resting on the trigger.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Apollo and Lexie step out beside me, their expressions cold as they glared in the direction of Father's voice.

Father, along with my older brother Azan and an entourage of fifteen strong-looking Zeliaras warriors, stepped out of the tree line and gaped at the dragon in front of him.

Xionglong smiled toothily. "I'm more intimidating in person, aren't I?"

Father trembled. It didn't look like he would be capable of responding any time soon.

I smiled darkly, fingering my bow. "How nice to see you, Father."

His gaze darkened as he looked at me, his eyes staring daggers into my bow. "It is anything but, Lady Artemis. And you, Lexie and Apollo."

My siblings rolled their eyes at each other, no doubt annoyed that I got a title while they didn't. I was a little annoyed too, for their sake, of course. Not that I wanted to be given any honor by my father.

I smirked. "I'm still a 'lady'? I thought there wasn't a 'lady' anymore, Mr. Conqueror."

Father didn't seem to have a response to that. He did tell me, "I'm a reformer, not a conqueror."

"That is a matter of opinion. And incidentally, I'm ninety-nine percent sure that most of the magicians you've supposedly 'reformed' agree with me." I motioned to the rather unenthusiastic expressions of his entourage.

Father ignored my snub and turned and bowed to Xionglong. "My most sincere apologies for intruding upon your home, O Panda Dragon of the North. We were merely hoping to procure your assistance in the honorable fight against my demonic daughter and her allies." He shot Apollo and Lexie a baleful glare.

I tightened my grip on my bow but forced myself not to release. Yet.

Xionglong raised an eyebrow. "That is not how she put it."

"I expect not. Lady Artemis is known for her ability to weave fearfully believable lies."

"She is," Xionglong agreed. "But she does not have as shady a reputation as you. Besides, she had Lady Zella's backing. You do not."

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