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You and Severus have been married for 3 years. You want kids but, the war between Harry Potter and Voldemort, stopped you from having any due to Severus' duties and his place in the war. You both decided if he survived (he does in this one-shot) you will have a child of your own. So thats what you did.

"Severus can you grab her please she's crawling away!" You shouted.

Severus grabbed your daughter before she reached the open door of his potions lab. "I've got her, Ive got her!"

You walk over to him and take your daughter out of his arms. "Close that door next time she could've got in!" Severus nods "Yes mother" He jokes.

He takes her out of your arms and starts bouncing her up and down in his arms. "What's for dinner for the little one?" He asks as he plays around with his little girl. "Baby food idiot" You joke. "Mashed potatoes."

He nods and kisses her nose. "Lets go to the great hall then I suppose?"

You nod "Let me change into my robes I'm not going out there looking like a raccoon that came out of a rubbish bin"

You walk away leaving Severus chuckling to himself.

Once you get back you see Severus tickling your daughter and her giggles fill the room. Severus looks at you and smiles "Lets go then" He says and lets you walk out the door first, him following behind.

You both walk to the great hall, your daughter in Severus' arms and the sounds of her blowing raspberries fill out the hallways of Hogwarts.

Severus wipes her mouth with the bib she has on and sighs "Stop it your getting your mouth and face wet" She continues and Severus grumbles.

The two of you walk into the great hall your daughter still blowing raspberries in Severus' face.

You walk up to the teachers table and sit in your seats. You next to Severus, the baby on his lap and Minerva beside Severus, you beside Flitchwick. Severus plops your daughter onto his lap and she starts clapping her hands and giggling (Daddys girl) He takes the baby food jar out of his pocket and opens it, grabbing a tiny spoon and feading it to her while he eats his.

You look at the pair in awe and think

'Everything turned out to be perfect in the end'

Alan Rickman One-ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz