Katherine part one✔️

Start from the beginning

"Yeah I know there vampire, so what?" Buffy said while shrugging her shoulders without a care in the world.

Jeremy looks confused but doesn't question it, at that point in time.


Back at the tomb with Katherine and Elena

"The story of Klaus and I is very long, and tedious ," Katherine explained to her human doppelgänger sitting in front of her. Completely leaving Buffy out of her current sentence, but planing to bring some of her story into it as well.

"It goes all the way back to England, 1492, after I left Bulgaria. Or was thrown out," Katherine stared to explain her life story.

"Thrown out," Elena said judgmentally not realizing or caring how rude she sounded.

My family, your true ancestors, they disowned me." Kathrine explained "but I didn't leave Bulgaria alone, a good let's call her friend joined me," Kathrine add on after a brief pause.

Who would want to go anyway with you, Elena though to herself.

Katherine continued to tell her story to Elena.


At the Mystic Grill

Buffy, Jeremy, Eric and Alec are all sitting at a table together.

"So how do you know about...vampire?" Jeremy questions whispering the last word.

"Don't worry about, how right know Jere-Bear just know that I do," the slayer tells her younger cousin while not giving him a proper explanation.

"But..." her younger cousin tried to protest.

"Don't worry about it," Eric spoke up for the first time since getting there.

"Understand," Alec questions with a raised eyebrow.

Jeremy finally nods his head yes in understanding.

"Ignore them, Jeremy there idiot don't listen to them," the blonde says with a smirk.

Which made both Eric and Alec roll there eyes at her.

Jeremy gives his cousin an odd look before eating a french fry off of his own plate.

"Am I allowed to ask where you have been?" Jere-bear questioned.

Buffy,Alec and Eric share a quick look with each other, before The slayer shakes her head no

"Why?" Jeremy tried to questions again.

"I can't tell you because I love you, and if you did know it would put in in danger," Buffy explained the best she could.

"Danger, Buffy why?" Jeremy asks panicked not wanting his only cousin in danger.

"She can't tell you mate, sorry," ghost Kol muttered to himself.

The Summer female quickly sends a glare toward ghost Kol before looking back at her younger cousin.

"She can't tell you," Eric and Alec both tell him.

"Okay seriously, who are they?," Jeremy asks pointing towards Alec and Eric

"There old friend of mine," Buffy tells Jeremy.

"I'm not going to get any real explanation am I?" Jere deadpans

Once again Buffy nods her head yes but Alec and Eric join in as well this time

Jeremy shrugged his shoulders having given up try to get real answers.

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