66 - Cheating [NC18+]

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"You haven't even started and you're already panting like this, my love?!" Vegas uses his soft, teasing voice with me.

I firmly grip the chain around his neck, riding him like he would never expect.

"Pete...fuck...ah...I don't wanna lose you..."


Assistant Lee's POV

"Close your eyes, Pete. Let the drug flow through your veins until reach your brain... your memories."

"Excuse me, assistant Lee...but do you have to speak to me like a witch doing a spell?!"

"Do you want my help or not?!"


"Pick a memory...any one...you and Vegas...but choose one that is not quite certain if its good or not..."


"Go on...do as I say...! Are you thinking of something?!"


"Now...in order for this to work...you need to think of a reference...a woman you trust..."

"Why a woman?!"

"Because I'm a woman and I'll be talking to you... you will listen to my voice while thinking of that person..."

"My grandma?!"

"Do I sound like a grandma?!"

"Hmm...I can't think of many options..."

"Pretend I'm your mother...You will listen to your mother's voice..."

"I don't remember her voice."

"So this is going to work perfectly because its's my voice!! Now close your eyes again and get that memory from you and Vegas..." 


"You are going to remember it a little different after this session..."

"Different how?!"

"Different like hating him..."


Pete's POV (his real memories; original lines from Chapter 59 - Fenghuang (The Phoenix) are in Italic.)

Vegas grooms himself again in front of the mirror while I undo my tie.

"I'm going to a party."

"We just got back from one!"

A business partners party full of repulsive and snooty people.

"I'm going to meet some friends... you better stay, Pete. You won't feel comfortable..."

"More rich friends?!"

"Very rich and powerful...I'm going to discuss some business with them."

"Can't you discuss those things at the office?!"

"I wish I could, but good deals are done at clubs, Pete..."

"So I'm going with you. I don't want you to go alone."

"I have a bunch of bodyguards to go with me, Pete. Don't worry."

"I see..."

"Hey..." Vegas turns to me "What's going on, Pete?!"

"Nothing..." I turn my face to the side.

Vegas sighs.

"I don't want them to see you, alright?!"

VegasPete : Chess Room (The Way You Taste sequel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant