chapter 72 + new story

Start from the beginning

*Ma and pa sighed looking at Jiraiya with disappointed, Naruto yawned and cracked his neck*

Naruto:thanks for the update, well as fun as this was and truly it's been a blast, just a ball all together, my ride's here

*They all looked as the mountain was under attack, being overrun by the slugs, a animal they have a treaty with. Next to Naruto Tsunade jumped down with her arms crossed glaring daggers at Jiraiya all the while a slug came out of Naruto's shirt the slug was a tracking and listening device so Tsunade and katsuyu would know where they're legacy was in case of emergencies*

Tsunade:why am I not surprised that your involved in this Jiraiya

*Tsunade said coldly with katsuyu standing behind her summoners menacingly*

Katsuyu: gamabunta you've broken one of the rules of our tready I hope you have a good explanation for this or else I'll be having frog legs for dinner

*Gamabunta sighed taking his pipe and having a smoke*

Gamabunta:we wanted to know why Naruto left out contracts we didn't know that Jiraiya lied and forced his hand, I'll take responsibility for all this so please accept my forgiveness

*The chief toad said bowing in front of the giant slug, while in the background, Tsunade was in Grandmama bear mode fussing over Naruto checking to make sure he was safe. Once she made sure he was, she turned around and jumped creating a crater on the ground making it to Jiraiya in a flash, and lifted him to the air grabbing Jiraiya by his collar*

Tsuande:Jiraiya you're really pushing your luck at being our most important access when it comes to spies and your Network but even you can't push your luck. I am NOT hiruzen I won't be lenient with you, keep this childish obsession of getting Naruto back and you'll feel my wrath

*Tsunade didn't give him time to response as he punched him in the face sending him crashing to the wall of a mountain making human shape crater in it, Tsunade did hold back but even then Jiraiya's mouth was bleeding as his teeth were on the ground. Tsunade turned around and walked calmly to Naruto, who stood up*

Naruto:well I think the slugs and there summoners have overstayed our welcome, ma pa, to the two of you i apologize for my rudeness gamabunta you can bite my ass. And gamamura....I'll miss you, you old toad

*Naruto and Tsunade hopped above katsuyu as they disappeared to there own territory in the summoning world to return home*

Scene change

Back in konoha

*Naruto and Tsunade made it back and went there separate ways*

Naruto:i should go home and finished that paperwork

*Naruto muttered to himself walking with no real direction, like they always do his legs brought him to the gates of heaven*

Naruto:after a few bowls

*Naruto walked inside ichiraku ramen with a grin on his face*

Naruto;hey guys 10 pork ramen and keep em coming!

Ayame:coming right up Naruto

*Naruto said down giving small smiles at the other customers since they were all his people with small mountains of empty bowls*

Naruto"guess loving ramen runs in the Uzumaki bloodline"

*Naruto thought with a chuckle as he made a shadow clone. The clone grabbed all the empty bowls and went to the back to clean them*

Ayame:thanks Naruto we owe you one!

Naruto:well i wouldn't mind a discount~

*Ayame snickered pinching her little brother's face*

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