chapter 41

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Last time

Tsunade:who has popcorn? Better yet who wants to bet who She'll go for first! My bet is on the Inuzuka clan

Naruto:mine is she'll go for the Akimichi clan i win you got to give me one of your technique

Tsunade:alright i win you have to be my secretary for a month


*They watch in anticipation as her first victim is....*


*Kushina kicked opened the akimichi clan compound*

With Naruto


*They said at the same time Naruto looked at Tsunade with a smug smile as Tsunade just rolled her eyes*

Tsunade:shut it brat

Naruto:what i didn't say anything

Tsunade:you know what you did I'll give you the justsu scroll later on let's keep watching

Back with Kushina

Akimichi Guard: halt you are...

*Kushina didn't wait for a second and swong her blade cutting the fat man in half*

*That only brought more akimichi clan members out much to Kushina's enjoyment as they sorrounded her*

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

*That only brought more akimichi clan members out much to Kushina's enjoyment as they sorrounded her*

Kushina:good your saving me the trouble to come looking for you

Chōza:what is the meaning of this?!

*The circle moved to let there clan leader through when he did he froze seeing his old friend alive and well*

Choza:k.. Kushina b..but how..

Kushina:you understatement the fury of a mother my fury for the injustice my son has received from this village brought me back to life!

With Naruto

Tsunade:Kushina did always like to be dramatic reminds me of a certain someone who Said he could learn the rasengan in a month

*Tsunade said pinching Naruto's cheek who in turn just took out his necklace*

Naruto:i won in the end didn't i?

Back to the massacre

Back to the massacre

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
a self-taught shinobi (Cancelled)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat