chapter 19

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*they made it to the Cafe shop and ordered naruto grabbed a cat and started rubbing its belly*

Shizune:see I told you this place was good you're already relaxing

Naruto:heh yeah I guess you're right thanks shizu after today I needed this

*naruto smiled blushing slightly making shizune blush*

*naruto smiled blushing slightly making shizune blush*

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Shizune:Naruto i...

Anko:well well well what have we here?!

*both looked and saw anko smirking at them*

Shizune:anko what are you doing here?

Anko:eh was bored saw you coming in here with orange boy over here and I thought let's annoy them

Naruto:we're on the middle of a date so..

Anko:even better!

*anko got a chair and sat in there table looking at naruto*

Anko:so! The word on the streets is that you beat Kakashi

Naruto:...yes I did

Anko:awesome let's fight!


Anko:fine fine you're no fun we'll fight later how did you beat Kakashi even I can't beat that brick

Naruto:training non stop for months me and shizune been training together


*anko looked at shizune surprise shizune for her part had an annoyed smiled on her face*

Shizune:yes ergo I can kick you're butt if you don't leave

Anko;hm...nah so how's you're training been coming along

*shizune sighed while naruto had to hide his amused face*

Naruto:Good I say we've improved so much in the last couple of month hell I've learned more in thus months than in the years I was under a sensei

*naruto said bitterly shizune puts her hand above his calming him down*

Anko:man I take it this is a sour subject

Naruto:yes yes it is anyway we're just here to have breakfast and then do some seal studying

Anko:sound boring

Shizune:well if it's sounds boring you're welcome to leave well hang out another time

Anko:hm...nah I think I'll just stay for breakfast you don't mind do you

*naruto was a little scared shizune looked like she was gonna pop a blood vessel before sighing*

Anko:i...guess you can stay if that's what you want

Anko:thanks you're so sweet that's why we're best friends!

*anko hugged her and then naruto got an idea that's gonna be funny now but man is it gonna piss shizune off*

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