chapter 52

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*Naruto was sitting down on the bed he could only sleep for a couple hours it was still night and Naruto was seeing the moon through the window when he felt Shizune hugging him from behind*

Shizune: what's wrong?

Naruto:nothing it's just....something lee said that got to me

Shizune:well tell me maybe i can help you

*Naruto sighed but he ended up telling Shizune everything making her quiet for a bit*

Shizune:i know we have to tell Tsunade

Naruto:yes i know he'll hate me for it but we don't have a choice but still he was right what right do i have to judge when i did the same thing i stop following my ninja way when i stop wanting to bring back Sasuke

Shizune:true but maybe....maybe that's a good thing, think about it with you're ninja way what good have come from it? You trained with someone that taught you to be dependent on a demon's chakra, you promised to bring back a traitor that tried to kill you, but without it? You've become stronger then you ever were before, you no longer use the demon chakra not even for healing you have the slugs for that now, you've become smarter faster more level headed not to mention you have me now

*Shizune turned Naruto's face and kissed him, Naruto quickly returned the kiss as they fell back in to bed*

Shizune:you don't need a code when what you have now is so much better let me show you...~

The next day no lemon for you, you know who you are be patient

*we see Naruto's clone running around the outskirts of the village looking for the bandits 2 clones heard something and hid on top of a tree they looked and saw at least 30 bandits carrying stolen stuff, the clones looked at each other and nodded following them at a distance to not be seen after a bit they've made it to the location and looked at the enemies base of operations they're must have been at least 60 bandits there, the clones ran around the base to get the layout of the place, with the information they had they killed themselves transfering the information to the original Naruto*

With naruto

*Naruto blinked a few times and rubbing his neck where the clones killed themselves, getting the information he got up and started to walk away*

Naruto:lee with me i know where the base is

Lee:how do you know that?

Naruto:my clones found it got the information we need now get everyone else make them meet back up at tazuna's house while i go they're and draw the layout of they're base before i forget

*Naruto disappeared and lee left running to get everyone*

Scene change

*We see the group of Ninja's in the living room looking at the base Naruto drew laid out on the table,

Naruto"with all the seal training I could give sai a run for his money in a painting contest"

*Naruto thought with a bit of arrogance before shaking his head and returning his focus on the mission at hand*

Guy:alright listen everyone like lee told us Naruto's clones found the bandits hideout we will be leaving tonight to attack use the cover of darkness to our advantage in a sneak attack kill on sight and Tenten keep you're weapons in you're seals


Guy:you're weapons on you're seals we move undercover and we move as one we cannot let one stray kunai give us away

Naruto:.   .   .Kakashi stop sharing you're books to guy is bad enough you've made me read that shit when i was in you're team

*Kakashi just gave his trademark one eye smile scratching awkwardly the back of his head, they packed up they're stuff and left for the base*

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