chapter 28

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*when Kakashi and the rest made it to Naruto's location they heard screaming they ran and saw Naruto torturing the ninja he let live*

Naruto:ah so you've arrived ino hurry up and get inside this rogue Ninja's brain so we can see who hired him


*Ino was taken aback since again Naruto was using wood release Naruto rolled his eyes and looked at ino with kurama's eyes*

Naruto:did i studder or are you as useless as does 3 Genin over there

*Naruto pointed to kina,Sakura and choji kina growled and grabbed Naruto by his collar*

Kiba:who the fuck are you calling a Genin!?


*He lifted his hand grabbing kiba's wrist before adding pressure not enough to break it but just enough so he feels a lot of pain Kiba tried to free himself but Naruto was like an unmovable object akamaru jumped out of Kiba whining scared as Naruto bloodlust was slowly increasing making it harder and harder to breath in the cave*

Naruto:the same Genin who was stuffing his face instead of protecting the princess  or the same Genin that had his guard down and i had to bail him out twice in the fight or how about the Genin who always screaming "Sasuke!!" But was flirting with some rich noble you 3 are fucking Genin in my eyes you didn't take this A level mission seriously let me remind you that if that princess dies Konoha will lose over 90% of it's financial power and who do you think that disgrace of a civilian council will blame will it be Sakura? Ha no her mother is the leader of the civilian council how about choji or you? Nah both of you are clan head heirs and will be fine how about Kakashi? Nope i don't see them punishing one of the strongest shinobis we have so who will they blame..oh that's right! The DEMON

*Naruto growled out even Kakashi was having trouble breathing with the amount of bloodlust in the cave*

Naruto:i would be blame for the mistake and straight up incompetence of you 3 i would be the one who would receive the harshest of punishment since "I'm the demon i let the princess die"

*Naruto said imitating the voice of Sakura's mother*

Naruto:now be a good little Mut and shut you're mouth before i RIP!! it out of you're face

*Naruto threw Kiba to the wall making him pass out Naruto stopped with the bloodlust and looked at ino with bored eyes who flinched scared*

Naruto:and why are you just standing there hurry up and go inside the Ninja's brain


*Ino walked up to the ninja* will take a few minutes until i can find it

Naruto:don't need you're excuses ino just do it

*Ino nodded feeling sad that Naruto was so cold to them but understood why so she just sighed and did her brain jutsu*

Kakashi:well..while she's busy finding who's responsible Naruto when and how did you learn you had blood release and why didn't you tell any of us

Naruto:when i started training i sneezed and a tree pop out of my floor board second i did show my wood release when these Genin decided it would be a smart idea to break into my house and blow up the door to my room why they didn't question how my door magically grew back is not my problem the how one of my ancestors must have had wood release and it was passed down to me simple as that the why? Why the hell would I tell any of you ANYTHING about my personal life? We are not friends we are no even good comrades all you guys are to me are fellow Shinobi of Konoha I'll lay my life for you guys in a mission but outside of them? I couldn't care less if any of you live or die so do me a favor scumkashi stop pretending we still have some kind of bond that you can ask me anything personal you're student is Sasuke not me nor Sakura you are that traitor's sensei not mine

*Naruto said coldly walking to a boulder near by and sitting on it while they waited sai sat next to him and started drawing since he kept quiet Naruto didn't care even found slight entertainment watching sai paint they both heard rock being destroyed they both glanced and saw Sakura who slammed her fist to the wall*

Sakura:why are you being like this?!

Naruto:i got tired of giving you guys chances to prove you're my friends pure and simple

*Naruto left no room for doubt his tone portrait it as facts*

Sakura:fine you hate us is that it?!

sai:yes ugly he does I'm not good at reading emotions and even i could see that

Sakura:shut up sai!

Naruto:why should he? He just told you the truth not our fault if continue to live in denial

Sakura: argh!! Well why do you call Kakashi that name have you no respect for him?!

Naruto:i respect his a strong Shinobi i respect that he's probably gonna be the next Hokage when baachan inevitablely gets tired of the position and doesn't have to keep protecting me from you're mother and her council but as a sensei? Not i don't as a human being? Even less oh "boo hoo my teamates died so that justify i only spend my time with the student that reminds me of myself"

*Kakashi frowned under his mask*

Naruto:Sakura do everyone a favor and wake up Kakashi is not our sensei he's Sasuke sensei the only thing he trained us was on the tree climbing exercise hell he didn't even train you in that you learned it basically at you're first try after that he spend all his time training Sasuke Tsunade is you're sensei not him wake up and realize that

Ino:ok I'm back i know who wants the princess killed...what's with everyone did i miss something

*Asuma killed the rogue Shinobi*

Asuma:no..nothing that can't wait until after the mission Naruto is right at least on that we have to take this seriously come on tell us on the way to the daimyō

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