chapter 10

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Amakuni:not me per say but my friend her yes naruto Uzumaki meet the famous sword maker Masamune

Masamune:hello Mr Uzumaki I see you're already a fan of my work

Naruto:I'm sorry?

Masamune:that sword you have on you're hilt it is one of mine

Masamune:mind if I take a look ?

*naruto nods and gives his sword to Masamune who inspects it grabbed a throwing star threw at the air and sliced it in half*

Masamune:still as sharp as the day I made it tell me young Uzumaki what do you know about this blade?

Naruto:tenten just said it was a simple nodashi blade not much more

*masamune looked at amakuni slightly glaring amakuni chuckled nervously*

Masamune:well it's far more then a ordinarily nodashi this is one of the finest blades I ever made it can cut through anything

Naruto:Good to know I got it for cheap the 40 kunais cost me more then the sword

*now masamune glared at his old friend who started to sweat*

Amakuni:w..well anyway masamune don't you have something for naruto

Masamune:...yes here you go boy

*masamune gave naruto a couple of scrolls*

Masamune:does scrolls contain a sword stance perfect for this sword but be warn no one has ever been able to learn it

Naruto:i like the challenge sir I promise I will learn this stance and fight you one day!

*masamune chuckled at naruto's excitement*

Masamune:I can't wait for that day here

*masamune gave naruto's sword back to him and naruto left running already wanting to start training masamune turned around giving the fear of God on tenten's dad*

Masamune:now let's have a talk about you selling my sword for so cheap...

Meanwhile with neji

*neji yawned bored as he fought against 3 others hyuga at once none of them even landing a hit at him*

Neji"how can I help naruto think neji think..."

*neji's eyes widened as he kicked 2 of them in the face at the same time and punch the remaining one unconcience*

Neji:I've got it!

*neji left walking ignoring the 3 people on the ground groaning he made it to the hyuga's personal library he looked for a while but eventually found what he was looking for*

Neji"uzumaki's advance theories"

Neji:...even as a child I found it strange that we have this..

*neji grabbed the book and left to naruto's apartment*

With naruto

*we see him practicing some of the swords katas he had just gotten and was sweating profusely this technique took so much energy out of him*

Naruto"no wonder no one has ever master this stance.."

*not that naruto cared he would succeed or die trying, just as he finished his latest slice he felt a chakra signature spying him from the trees that made his mood sour he stopped the exercise and put his sword in its sheath as 3 more narutos appeared jiraya who was spying through the trees was surprised*

Jiraya"he made the clones without even making a hand sign.."

*the real naruto disappeared into a cloud of smoke as the 3 clones looked at jiraya all in a fighting stance as jiraya dropped from the tree in front of them*

a self-taught shinobi (Cancelled)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن