I guess I'm back, yes this IS a chapter, I'm not evil.

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SO SORRY FOR SUCH A LONG WAIT! my brain stop functioning for a while and I grew depressive and you know what happened next with the.. yeah. Parent found out and sat me down and had a talk with drained me even further and I was this 👌 close to breaking, so I apologise for the long Haitius, lmao they know about what they say about Wattpad writers, we bounce back from anything. A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G.


Pov: 3rd person

"Hello? Grian? Are you awake? We need an explanation!"

Xisumas careful and gentle voice came through the still broken door of the base, soft clacking of Xisumas boots filled the silent home as well as stress's, scar's, and cub's. Scar had brought cub for comfort and help with.. stuff.. definately not snooping around.

Nobody responds to Xisumas voice. Maybe grian just isn't home, or maybe he's asleep. The 4 hermits ventures deeper into Grian's little cabin that about 798 blocks away from Dwayne. How big could this small cabin in the woods possibly be? It was quite spacious, complete with 2 bathrooms, Grian's bedroom, a guest bedroom, a kitchen, a living room, multiple closets, and even a observatory. The 4 had no idea how grian even managed to stuff so many rooms into a small cabin, or at least it looks small from the outside, probably some optical illusion or proportions at play. Infact.. they didn't even see the observatory from the sky.

"We should start checking the rooms for Grian."

That has to be the only thing Cub has said all of the flight over to Grian's cabin and when they walked in.


Stress and scar said simultaneously.

"Knowing Grian, he probably booby-trapped this place to the brim with fake doorways or rooms. We should stick to having partners, does everybody agree."

Xisumas suggested a very real possibility and a good way to counter this problem. Scar, cub, and stress nodded their heads in agreement.

"I'll go with scar"

Cub said while stuffing his lab coat pockets full of his hands.

"Okay it's agreed upon, I'll go with stress, you and scar can check the observatory, guest bedroom and kitchen, me and stress will check the other rooms that weren't listed until we find him, ok?"

Xisumas said slowly, trying to make sure Sar and cub didn't go snooping around too much and possible make grian uncomfortable with exploring. The 3 other hermits agreed and they got into their groups and set off for looking for Grian.

Scar and cub immediately set off to the observatory, while stress and Xisumas started towards the living room.


Pov: 3rd person (still)

Ex was pacing around in their little hide out as he heard the sets of footsteps  exploring the rest of the house.

"Well, shit we left him up there."

Hels said blandly.


Ex says panic now.


Hels says even blander than last time.
Npg face palms from the corner. Xoronoth was just sitting down.

"When do I get to go home?"

He asks very bored.

"Shut up Xoronoth."

Npg says, clearly not having any of Xoronoths 'i want to go home' bullshit.

"This is bullshittt, grian literally harbours war criminals in his closet and we can't even help him by taking Taurtis with us, were useless.. UTTERLY US-"

Ex was complaining about about how useless he was and how stupid this situation was when hels slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Stop sounding so hopeless and stop shouting, you're going to get us caught by the 4 idiots upstairs. Not including grian and Taurtis, because they already know we're here."

Hels was just speaking the truth.

"Taurtis doesn't even know that we're war criminals."

Ex says just as blandly as hels was speaking earlier.

"Good point."

Hel's agrees with Ex for once in his stupid and meaningless life.

"So, if he doesn't know that we technically shouldn't be here.. he could very well accidentally without knowing expose that were NOT banned.. and Infact living with grian in his closet..? And that hels isn't dead and there's 2 demons just chilling in the server, unknown!?"

Hels realised, speaking his thoughts out loud just making Ex panic more.

"Npg, Xoronoth! Can either of you teleport?"

Ex says 'slightly' panicked.

"Yeah, all demons can teleport."

Xoronoth says, pointing it out like it's a common fact and that it's common knowledge.

"Great can either of you go get Taurtis via teleportation?"

Hels asks trying to sooth Ex's nerves, he doesn't know why he's trying to sooth him, but it comes to him like a second nature to fighting. Hels always felt oddly calm in Ex's presence even when he's hurt, which isn't often. So he really wants to try and return the feeling, he's trying to be as soothing to Ex as Ex is to him, even if it's not on purpose. Hels suggestion did seem to calm Ex quite a bit. Hels put his hand on Ex's back and his thumb automatically started to rub gentle, comforting circles into his back. The hand on Ex's back seemed to calm further, Ex had always like Physical attention, but a big scary inter-server war criminal would never admit it. Hels only know because he was Ex's sidekick, right? Yeah, sure, we can go with that explanation. Ex slowly melted into the naturally warm touch of Hel's  un-gloved hand.


903 words.

I'm back y'all, maybe not for good but I had to get at least another chapter out after that 2 month long Haitius, I think it was 2 months? I didn't forget about this don't worry. This has been making a burning hole in the back of my head.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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