further than one last night.

244 12 10

Fun fact; You can often see spoilers in the warnings & headcannons!

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The door of stress's medical lab flings open with a little too much force, sending it flying off its hinges nearly hitting Xisuma's arm.
Grian dashes in-

"Grian slow down you nearly hit me!-"

Xisuma says putting his arm in front of the door. He notices Grians wings.


Grian practically shouted at Xisuma and Stress. Xisuma refuses to budge. Sadly xisuma forgot grian was extremely short for his age. Grian ducked under Xisuma's arm and sent the other door flying off the hinges nearly hitting the unknown figure.


Grian called out as he crashed into Taurtis's arms.

"Do I know you??"

Taurtis asked
Grian held out his wings as a response.

"It's me! Grian! Your best friend! Remember the tuesdays! Wait dont-"

Taurtis had a shade of peach pink plastered on his face.
But that quickly vanished as a look of shock and realisation donned on his face.


Taurtis hugged Grian back tighter than Grian could hug him.

"Not to intrude but who are you? And grian when did you get wings!?"

Said Xisuma from the door way.

"This Taurtis, my old best friend from.. somewhere. And uh- I've always had these.."

Grian lifts up his wings, sparks of lightning forming.

"Grian want to explain why your blood is purple?"

Stress asked.


Grian said while picking up Taurtis, he surrounds them with his wings as he broke through Stress's laboratory window.


Stress yelled after Grian.



Taurtis shouts as Grian opened his wings once they were 2 meters from the ground, catching the wind drift sending them flying upwards. Grian gets to 300 Meters In the air then performs a dive bomb send them to pain-stakingly high speeds towards his base, grian tucks his wings in, pulling Taurtis close, he crashed through the already broken door way. Right on the floor. NPG, Hels, Ex and Xoronoth come running out of the CLOSET to Grian's side.

"Grian you good man?"

Npg asks as he runs up to Grian's side, falling face first next to him. Ouch.

Ex arrives second crouching near the head of grian, gently poking him.

Xoronoth arrives third crashing near NPG, but not falling face first.

Hels arrives last, he isn't running as fast as the others because he isn't that worried. He notices an extra pair of feet and a few strands of black hair poking inbetween his feathers.

"Guys did you notice the extra pair of feet?"

Hels asks.

"Extra- pair..? Does that mean grian crash landed while carrying someone else?"

Ex asked

"No duh"

Replied Xoronoth

NPG grasped one of Grian's wings and slowly pulled it aside careful not not hurt him if there's 4 witnesses.
Ex quickly followed suite and peeled away the other wing, hitting himself in the head...


Woop this chapter was exactly 500 words long yipeee,

And with the summary it's was 518 words.

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