into the great CLOSET

293 14 10

(Into the great beyond!)


My god how did I get stuck with the most crazy person I've ever met.. THEY SUMMONED ME THROUGH SOUP!?

"Howdy there!"

A set of glowing red eyes alike mine blink to life in the darkness

"I'm assuming you're npg?"

"Hold on let me turn on the light"

A dim light flickers on revealing 'NPG'
Ngp looks exactly like Grian but somehow more sinister and twisted,sharper teeth, a long red devil-like tail, parts of pale skin melting off, small goey black horns stick to the forehead of the creature. Grian's black eyes somehow even more demon like on this entity.

"What's you're name? I won't introduce myself since grian seemingly already told you!"

"So what do you do in the closet?"

"Normally wait for the others to pop into reality-"
"Or find ways to make grian cry. So why are you down here? How did you get here?"

"So that's a loaded question-"
"Apparently Grian summoned me while trying to make soup, butttt-"

"Failed horribly and now you're stuck here with no way home?"

"Yeah basically"
"How did you know?"

"Oh I know lots of things! Lots of things.."

"By the way what are you?"

Xoronoth said while pointing to the swishing devil-like tail behind the entity.

"Loaded answer! Goody I love those! I'm a mimicrier!"

"And those do what?"

"We mimic the form of a person and replace them- take over their life's, the normal stuff. but as you can see that didn't work for me and now I'm apparently his brother!"

"You're an all powerful demon right-??"


Npg replied tilting his head like a innocent puppy

"So why do you stay with grian?"

"One he's nice, two if I went back I'd probably be executed"
"He takes care of me!"


*Insert discord call join*
$3rv3®: EvilXisuma has joined the game

Grian swiped open chat as soon as he heard the ping of a join message



Xisuma: Emergency meeting at my base.

MumboJumbo: omw

Joehills: On my way*

ZombieCleo: Shut up Joe.


Grian sighed and got up from the couch. He walked over to the closet and called down:

"Guys emergency server meeting, I'll be out for a bit! Npg, Ex, don't give any trouble to Xoronoth, Text me if you need anything!"

"Ok!" Ex and Npg called back from the closet.

"Also they saw you're join message Ex, make sure to turn that off next time!"

A faint 'fuck' could be heard from the closet


Grian yelled as he kicked the closet door.

"Sorry 'mom'"

Called Ex in a sarcastic tone


"Ok! Ok! I'm sorry"

"Anyways I'm off don't be a pain in Xoronoth side"
"I'm going to be late if we  keep bickering."


Lmao take this!
Slaps with second chapter

And merry Christmas you rats <3 (and mice for the short people)

500 words!

Soup crisis Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang