ran out of chapter name ideas

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Thank you for 1000 views. I have no idea how this happened. Lil special chapter for u rats. Extra fluffy :D

"Grian you need to sleep it's been two weeks."
Ex stood firmly infront of Grian's bedroom door.

"Nooo I need to restockkk."

"This isn't healthy"

Agreed npg from beside Ex. Hels sighed as he was about to agree to this.

"I'm not letting you leave until you sleep, and I will tie you to your bed."

Grian groaned in annoyance and looked around, he spotted a window and made a dash to it. Xoronoth grabbed Grian by the sweat and lifted him up by the sweater collar.

"Don't even think of it I've locked all the windows"


Grian hissed while puffing up his feathers.

"D-did you just hiss..?"

Hels stuttered out. Xoronoth just threw Grian at the bed. Grian lands perfectly like a cat despite being.. what ever he is. Npg walked over to the bed and shoved grian onto it.


"Ex get the ropes."
Npg asks- well more of commands.

"On it!"
Says Ex while bolting off. It takes the man power of Npg and Hels to restrain Grian long enough for Ex to get the unbreaking 3 ropes and get back, and Taurtis just stands there awkwardly.


Meanwhile in the Server chat..

Scar: has anyone seen Grian these past few days I'm starting to worry normally he stops by and says hi while getting resources, and with Ex and possibly Hels

Docm: I'm also starting to worry, that pesky bird hasn't annoyed me at all.

X: Has anyone, and I mean anyone seen Grian or the new guy?

Pearl: New guy?

Beef: what new guy?

Keralis: Shishwammy it's mid season, why do we have a new hermit?

X: we had a mishap while experimenting with.. resources.. and it summoned them? Teleported them?

Stress: Can confirm.

Joe: I can also confirm!
Joe: Oh nice I got a name change to just Joe.

X: What do you mean you know?? You weren't there??

Joe: {Message Deleted}

Stress: Sorry Joe what was that?

Joe: Sorry my eldritch being friendsbe calling me up, got to go.

Cub: strange, Joe never makes spelling mistakes?

Bdubs: yeah pause the drama for a second, the embodiment of the sun is calling me.

X: do all my hermits know eldritch entities.

Tango: *Cricket noises*

X: Thanks for the Input Tango.

Tango: You are welcome!!

Docm: I'll go check Grian's mega base.

Scar: can I come with?

Docm: no, but are you gonna come anyways?

Scar: yes.


Npg sighed and looked up from Grian S.C.D.

"Alright enough cuddling we need to go to the closet"

Ex, Hels, Taurtis, and Xoronoth collectively whine

"The hermits are coming to check on Grian, and we need to not be seen."
Npg here's the front door open and grabs 3 of the 4 idiots, aka Ex, Hels, and Xoronoth, and run to the CLOSET. Taurtis panics not knowing what to do and lays down beside grian and he acts like he's asleep.

To be continued next chapter! I'm sorry this took so long motiv is running lowww


508 words without summary


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