3. Rising of suspiciousness

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Mr Kim and the boys already knew that there was something fishy by the so called Han Hyejin and her daughter, but ofcourse their dad knowing much more information than them, was a little step ahead. All BTS knew was that their current mom is their previous mom's twin sister. Hyungsik may be in love with Hyejin but he surely wasn't dumb. He didn't fail to notice the similarities Hyelin had with his ''dead'' daughter: both are similar to the boys. Dimple smiled, multi talented, proud of their look, scary, cute, sunshine of the group and sleep lover. Each are attributes that bring together the two parties.


I have been observing them from quite sometime and I have noticed that they often go out sneakily at night and return at dawn. You think I stayed the whole night awake? Ofcourse not, as if I didn't have anything better to do... sleep. I set up a small invisible camera above the front door that got them in footage and determined the time they left and returned. If it already wasn't creepy enough, once the camera got in full the scene of Namjoon bringing an unconscious man, together with the others, to a room which was obviously prohibited for me to enter. 

The other day, I was goofing around in the house not knowing what to do and then I accidentally came upon a strange room. Me being the stubborn I am, entered it and oh boy, my suspicion was cleared. They are mafia. And how did I finalize it? That room, looked like a frickin training room, it was the same identical to the ones in the movies. I feel quite protected now though. I honestly envy the yns in fanfictions as they find themselves in the same situation but with actually loving brothers. Whatever.

Leaving that topic, tomorrow's my mom's birthday! And as a filial daughter, I'm planning on organizing a surprise for her. Something she absolute loves is having fun... sooooo why not go to the amusement park. 

After giving it some thought I heard someone knocking on the door. 

-Come in- I said knowing it was dad

- Hey kiddo, what's up? 

-Good dad, need anything?

- So actually, as you already know, tomorrow's you mom's birthday. Did you plan on doing anything?

- Yep, mom absolutely loves dangerous things because of which I thought about going to the amusement park with her and ride those rollercosters. I would like to go there as a family but I'm not sure about what the boys would say...

- I love the idea, and don't worry, I'll make them agree.


I heard there was a library in this mansion, I mean I would be shocked if there weren't any, so I'm on a mission to find it. 

- I went crazy over you, ah,ah- I sang mumbling the words to myself

Oh, did I tell you about how much of an obsessed person I am towards k-pop? Well, I guess not. Then I'll tell you now. Guys, I'm a very obsessed person towards kpop. 

FINALLY... I found the library after almost half an hour. I would've asked someone, but the house seemed desolated.

- Namjoon?- I called out?

- Oh hi Hyelin, need anything?- He asked

- No, I heard there was a library so I was just checking it out. OMG is that book the Clergyman's daughter?-

- Yes, it is. You know it?-

- Of course I do. It's literally so underrated-

- I'm happy that finally someone in this finally likes books. Everyone else behaves as if they were allergic to it-

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