Chapter 2

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Today I turn 15, which means I'm closer to leaving this place. I don't even know why I'm here. But since I've been here for almost 9 years I made some friends but there more crazier than me. Enough about that though I'm gonna tell you about how everything works here. In the morning we wake up around 8-10 am to eat and get ready for the day, after eating breakfast some of the kids go to classes or therapy groups, or some kids just skip and go back to bed or hide in the bathrooms. At 12:30-1 pm, we all come together to see some new kid or watch a kid leave the place sometimes both then we all go do something. Around 5-6 pm, we eat dinner and then play bingo like old people but if we win we get to ask for anything we want. 8-9 Is when it's lights off and going to bed but the older kids never do that. Now that I'm 15 I have to move up a group into a different part of the building. I said my goodbyes to the kids I was with they were all under 11-13 which was sad bc no one was my age. At noon I moved into a new room but I had to share it with someone, I heard they were nice so that's a start.

I walked into the room and half of it was pink so it was a girl I'm not surprised that it is a girl who has to share with a girl...I'm even sure I'm a girl.

"Hey I'm Lily, and you are?" A girl said walking out of the bathroom.

" I'm uh " I was trying to say my name but I don't really talk unless I want to but I don't want to right now. I looked at my doctor who was behind me so she could say my name.

" This Lily, this is Phoenix. She doesn't talk much. " She says that and then smiles at Lily.

" Well, I hope we can get you talking more Phoenix! " She says it in a happy tone.

" I would love to see this happen. " After my doctor said that she walked out of the room.

Lily showed me where to put my stuff. After she talked to me like we knew each other for years. Around 9 pm she opened the door that goes into the hall she looked around for about 5 mins and then came to me and grabbed my hands to pull me out of the room. It wasn't hard for her to grab me I wight like nothing. She took me down halls I was never allowed to be by for 9 years. After a bit, we were in front of a door and she told me to open it but I was too scared to open it so she did and there were people in there. Everyone in the room looked about 16-18 and no one in the room looked my age, it's not really about the looks. They all wanted to meet me bc there hasn't been a kid from a different building for years. I didn't say anything I just sat down while everyone talked to me. Some time went by and people were going back to their rooms and some stayed, I looked in one corner of the room to see two girls making out which I didn't know what to think of it. Lily came up to me and asked me if I wanted a hair cut which I thought the staff did here which they do but they cut it and you can't pick what it's like. I nodded my head as my answer was yes. They cut my hair like a boy's haircut. It looked good on me, I'm starting to think I'm not a girl but I'm a boy...The next day my roommate was packing her things, I looked at her and was about to ask why but she looked at me right as I was gonna speak.

" Morning, you're probably wondering why I'm packing right now well my parents think it's time for me to go home and I'm really happy and I'm leaving soon! " Lily said with a really big smile.

I just turned my body the other way to try to hide I was happy I would have the room all to myself. I fell back asleep and when I woke up all her stuff was gone and it was time for dinner. I was so mad no one came to wake me up. I walked into the bathroom to wash my face. I looked in the mirror forgetting I cut my hair last night I actually like it a lot.

(by mio)


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