Chapter 22: Training is Over PART 1

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Hey! I'm sorry for not updating for 2 days, it feels like hell not to update. I was out buying supplies for the school year, and school starts next week for me, so I have to wrap this story up and fast, so I expect this story will end by Monday next week, and I already started Chapter 1 in Last Stand and That Thing Called Destiny, it's not yet published! I'll tell you guys when. I'm gonna miss this story a lot! But we still have HTTYD -Last Stand- and TTCD (for Wattpad readers)

Okay, thanks for the 5k something reads of Fan Fiction. Net and 1k reads on Wattpad... a little bit more and the challenge is done!


Chapter 22: Training is Over PART 1


It's been a few months after the incident with the White Nightmare, the gang are now in their usual selves, being all tough, violent, stubborn, smart, being themselves... they had already moved on from the incident. Hiccup and Toothless had discovered new lands for his map, and sometimes, Astrid would come with him. The gang had their training seldom now, and that's where Hiccup decided already.

The gang were in the Academy, well most of the gang. They were waiting for Hiccup to arrive, the gang had nothing to do than wait, again. It was quite a day for a good flight around the town, the sky was blue and there weren't many clouds, the sun was its highest peak, but it was still cold, wind was seeping through and it can't get any better.

"Where is Hiccup?! We've been waiting for like forever!" Snotlout exclaimed

"Ugh, technically we've been waiting for a hour" Fishlegs said

"Shut it guys! Let's just stop complaining on how late that fishbone is... let's just think about his little announcement for us" Astrid said

"I don't know... I never thought of anything to announce as of right now" Fishlegs said

"Ugh... are we being attacked?" Tuffnut asked

"If we were being attacked then we should've heard the horn blow!" Astrid said

"Oh... makes sense" Ruffnut said

Then a Night Fury landed on the academy, there dismounted his rider. Astrid approached him and punched his arm "So nice of you to join our little conversation" Astrid said

"Sorry! Got held up... again" Hiccup said

"Let me guess... your dad gave us another task? Is that you're little announcement?" Astrid said

"No... well... I got held up because of work but that's not it actually... I'm here to say that..." Hiccup hesitated at first, then he breathed in "I believe that... our Training is Over..."

The gang was surprised by what he said, Fishlegs just dropped the book he was holding, making everyone look at him. The gang was speechless and didn't said a word out, there was awkward silence between them, they began to look at each other, exchanging glances

"I know... this is speechless to say, but I think we've learned what we can learn about dragons for now, and it's also surprising to say it, but we've learned what we can, and until we can find new species or at least until we discovered something between us and our bond with our dragons, then we resume training, but for now... Training is Over" Hiccup explained

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