Chapter 1: The Field Workers

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Hello! This is my first HTTYD Fanfic, uhm, I hope you enjoy! This is set before HTTYD 2, and this explains how Hiccup and Astrid became a couple (In my own theory), how did Snotlout was buried alive, and a lot of stuff! Well after this story, I think that you immediately need to watch the 2nd movie, cause they are somehow connected... and yep! I think it'll end up on the dragon race at the first minutes of HTTYD 2

So enjoy! And yeah I almost forgot, if you want to watch HTTYD 2 over and over again, I uploaded it on YouTube, the whole movie in 1080p, go to my channel Josefina Magno and you'll see... and tell me guys if you want the 1st HTTYD movie to be uploaded too in 1080p


Chapter 1: The Field Workers

"Well this is a great mess..." Hiccup said

The dragons were fighting, all of them, except Meatlug again, Hiccup and the rest of the gang were running inside, staying out of danger

"Hiccup! The dragon root must be around here somewhere!" Astrid shouted

"I know! We need to lure our dragons away from here!" Hiccup shouted "Gang! We have to get to our dragons! Fishlegs, Meatlug! You know what to do!"

Xxx Flashback xxX


"Heya there dad! I was just about to go to the aca-"

"I need your help, son"

"What now dad?" Hiccup asked, a little annoyed

"I need your help in clearing the new field we made" Stoick said

"Dad! Did you even remember what happened the last time WE worked on the field?!"

"Don't tell me Astrid and Snotlout are fighting again?"

"No, they're not, it's just that, we went completely out of control... well, our dragons specifically" Hiccup whispered the last part

Stoick approached Hiccup and held his shoulders "Nah! I'm sure that your dragons and you guys gonna be fine! That issue is long, long over!" Stoick turned his son around and pushed him out of the door "That must be done next week!"

Hiccup lets out a defeated sigh and an annoyed scream, which made Toothless approach him with a confused look, Toothless lets out a confused growl, which made Hiccup smile at him

"Bud, we have work to do, let's go get the gang" Hiccup said while mounting on Toothless

They flew away to the academy


The whole gang was with their dragons, playing with them, then Hiccup and Toothless arrived and landed inside, Astrid took notice "Well look who decided to show up"

"Sorry! Got a little hung up, cause of dad... again" Hiccup said, getting off Toothless

Hiccup walked to the others and looked at them with a 'We've got bad news' look and before he can even speak, somebody began speaking

"Oh wait! Don't tell me! I can guess this!" Tuffnut said, holding his arms forward

Astrid lets out an annoyed sigh "Let me guess, your dad gave us another command..."

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