Chapter 7: Resistance

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Would you prefer if I update almost every day? Cause its summer here! Philippines!! SUMMER!! Mid-summer, I mean... tehee, so liking the story so far?

I'm singing right now... no, not HTTYD Tracks... All I know from those tracks is 'Where No One Goes', 'For the Dancing and the Dreaming', and... all the tracks from the first movie... I'm singing J-Pop right now... mostly BABYMETAL

So enough talk for now! Let's get on with the story!


Chapter 7: Resistance

"We have to protect every dragon in Berk if we don't want them captured and killed" Astrid said

"What are we gonna do? Hide the dragons?" Hiccup asked "Or fight with the dragons?"

"We have to train every dragon on Berk if we want them safe..." Astrid said

"That's a lot of work, but I think I have a way out of this war..." Hiccup said

"What?! Talk this way through to Dagur? Hiccup, are you insane?!" Astrid opposed the idea

"Yes, it's our only chance so stop this war..."

"Hiccup, you are crazy, its war that he wants, and not just some friendly talk about showing what your dragon can do! It's been hard battling our way out of there! We might just as well train all the dragons here and near Berk so they can fight on our side!" Astrid said

"That's the only chance I can take, Astrid! We need to go there and talk Dagur to retreat his forces and stop this war..." Hiccup said before mounting Toothless

"In that case, I'll go with you..." Astrid said "Just to make sure you are safe and tend not to be crazy"

Astrid mounted Stormfly, Hiccup puts on his helmet and Toothless took off, Astrid puts on her hoodie and then Stormfly took off also, now they're on their way back to Cold Pasture, Toothless flew fast, so did Stormfly, following on their tail, then they saw a huge ship filled with berserkers

"Look! Dragons! On the port quarter!"

"Quick! Shoot'em down, lads!"

The berserkers started to shoot arrows and nets, Toothless and Stormfly dodged, then suddenly an arrow was shot directly to Stormfly, but the dragon dodged before getting hit, making Astrid fall down to the ocean

"Help! Stormfly! Hiccup!" Astrid shouted

Toothless caught Astrid just in time, before landing into the ocean, Hiccup helped Astrid up, quickly mounting the dragon, Astrid held Hiccup's shoulders, readying to jump

"Thanks, Hiccup..." Astrid said, before hopping on to Stormfly

"Look! Dragon riders!"

"Her again!"

"Night Fury!"

The berserkers shouted, then Dagur went out of the ship's docks and looked interested, Hiccup narrowed his eyes and landed on the ship, followed by Stormfly, Astrid dismounted her dragon and took out her axe, a few berserkers backed out from Astrid, then Hiccup took off his helmet and dismounted Toothless, he took out his sword and clicked the button on the right side and there, came out a flaming sword, the berserkers stared the flaming sword for a while marvelling in it

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