"Come on, you two. Leave Zane alone" I said

"Nothing for me?" Lloyd asked looking a bit sad

"Oh... Um..." Wu was looking around "You get... Uh... The box" Wu said as he handed Lloyd the box, and Ruby went towards Lloyd

"Can we color it?" Ruby asked

"Sure" Lloyd said

Then the alarms went off in the control room, and we all ran to the control room to check the scanners

"Sorry to break up the moment, boys, but a small faction of our slithering friends are stirring up trouble over at Mega Monster Amusement Park" Cole said

"Did you say..."

"Amusement Park?!" Both MK and Mei asked excitedly

"Uh, yeah?"

"We wanna go too! We wanna go to the Amusement Park!!" Both MK and Mei said

"C-Calm down, you two. We're not going there for fun" Kai said

"Can I go with you too? Let me make things up, I can help" Lloyd said

"I'm sorry, nephew. You will stay here, where it's safe" Wu said and Lloyd looked sad

'I guess Lloyd really wanted to go the Amusement Park' I thought

"Excuse me, Wu. If you want, I can watch over Lloyd at the Amusement Park while the ninja fight the Serpentine" I offered

"Are you sure? I don't wish to bother you" Wu said

"It's fine. Plus Lloyd deserves to have some fun while he's still young" I said as I messed with his hair "And I'll be able to defend myself since I know how to fight"

"Alright. You may take Lloyd to the Amusement Park" Wu said and Lloyd started to happily cheer

"Do you guys want to come along too?" I asked MK, Mei, Red Son, and Monkey King. I would ask Pigsy and Tang but they'll won't be able to fight that well and Sandy said he refuses to fight

"We wanna go too!!" Both MK and Mei said

"I don't mind going if my beloved will be there" Red Son said

"Amusement Park, huh? It does sound fun" Monkey King said and he felt something tugging on his pants. He looked down and saw Ruby "You wanna come too?" Ruby nodded quickly

"Okay. Let's get ready to go everyone" I said "Ninja team, you go on ahead and do your thing. We'll meet up later" Then the ninja went ahead and they also decided to wear their new uniforms

Timeskip~ No One P.O.V Mega Monster Amusement Park

When Akira and the others got to the Amusement Park, they also saw the Serpentine already tied up

"Wow. The ninja sure work fast" Mei said

"No kidding" MK said as we started walking towards them

"Yo, you four worked quick on the situation" Wukong said as the group approached them

"Actually, they were already like this when we got here" Kai said as he and the other removed their hoods

"What do you mean by that?" MK asked

"The Samurai came did the job before we even got here. So not cool" Jay said with a pout

"Samurai? You mean the big robot that sprayed us with the sleeping gas?" Mei asked

"Yeah, that guy! Whoever he is, he's stealing our thunder!" Cole said

"And we just got these cool ninja suits... Argh! I'm gonna say it, I hate the Samurai!" Jay said and Lloyd pulled on Akira's skirt

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