Chapter 40. The Meta Liberation Army

Start from the beginning

"You zip it." He shot me another glare to which I pouted at, "This isn't your business, you're just here to accompany me with your friend." He spoke addressing Yusuke at the end, who was standing near the door wanting nothing to do with our conversation.

I looked back at Yusuke and waved him over. "He's telling me to shut up." I complained. "Can you believe that?"

"You know, maybe this isn't the right place to continue your argument with Dabi." Yusuke pointed out. "You have a guest." He motioned towards Hawks.

"Right." I sighed, "You're as logical as ever Yusuke." I turned back my attention to the two men who were clearly on different terms. "Oi, oi." I called to them, "Leave some fun for me."

"Does it look like we're having fun?" Dabi scoffed annoyed.

"[Y/N] you're not reading the room right." Yusuke sighed, "Just let them get on with whatever it is they're doing."

"I'd put the feather down if I were you Hawks." I spoke darkly as I activated my wings and had tiny force shields resting on my palms. "As much as I'm on bad terms with Mr. Blue Flame here, he's needed in the League. Therefore, I'm not letting a pro hero get in our way."

"Black wings?" he eyed me as he softly addressed my appearance. "You're pretty cute."

I flashed him a grin, "We're twinning." I giggled, "Well not really, our quirks are completely different. I gotta say you're lucky you can use your feathers like weapons. You're also majorly hot."

He shot me a smirk, "Well aren't you a sweet thing."

"She's anything but sweet." Dabi rolled his eyes as he interrupted my moment with Hawks, "She's a resentful, cynical and—"

"And no one cares." I glared at Dabi. I eyed Hawks carefully, "So you're the ally that Dabi mentioned... I'm intrigued why is a hero joining us? I can understand why Dabi had a change of plans. Not to mention it is quite odd that there was no casualties and the hero joining you was... Endeavor."

At that Hawks let down his feather and glanced at me, "The number one hero had damage inflicted on him. I don't see anything wrong with that. Besides I still have an appearance to keep up with, the more confidence everyone has in me the more valuable information I can provide you. It's as simple as that."

"I suppose so." I hummed somewhat okay with his response.

"Everything I do, I do for the League." He continued.

Dabi remained stoic as he answered him, "Well I still won't let you meet the Boss for the time being. I'll contact you again Hawks." He told him as he took his leave.

I gawked at Dabi, he just left without me and Yusuke. "What a jerk." I mumbled displeased.

Yusuke sighed, "You can't expect him to wait for you when you two had that disagreement in the morning. He might be a villain but, villains still have emotions. That's what you told me when we recently met."

I sighed deeply annoyed, "Tch." I clicked my tongue. "Well he can fuck off. I'm not forgiving him or Shigaraki for those stunts they pulled." Clearing his throat, we both noticed Hawks hadn't left. "Oh... you're still here." I spoke unamused.

"Hey now, where did all that friendliness go?" he asked as he slowly approached me.

I shrugged, "I was just trying to piss Dabi off. I'm not nice. He's right about me being cynical and indifferent."

"She's not joking." Yusuke agreed with him, "She's got some issues."

I sighed, not bothering to scold Yusuke. 

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