Chapter 24: The Mind-scape

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Third POV:
"The Hell was that back there?"

Y/n rolled her eyes as she and Ikaris walked out of the Academy after the 'awkward' moment of her and Ben being interrupted.

"None that's any of your business," said the Sorceress, she was so done with this conversation but it seemed Ilaris wasn't planning on dropping it.

"The end of the world is 3 days away, I was hoping that you have some sort of game plan to stop it," said Ikaris.

Y/n then stopped and faced him, "Well I don't, okay. I mean we needed to give up Harlan so that this family feud with the Sparrows, but he's gone so that's that." Y/n let out a frustrated sigh as she continued her path, she didn't know what to do next. She wished that Yao was here to help her or give her some advice.

Ikaris kept up with her pace, "I know you, Y/n, and you don't give up. I know there's something in that big mind of yours." Ikaris said, in an attempt to encourage her.

That's when something clicked.

Y/n stopped walking, an idea came into her head. "The mind," she whispered.

Ikaris gave her a confused look, "What?" He asked.

She snapped her head to Ikaris, "Ikaris, that's it! The mind!" She exclaimed, she then waved her hand, and a sling-ring portal appeared.

"Wait, Y/n! Where are we going?" He said as he followed her into the portal.

"We're heading back to Sanctum Sanctorum," she said with a serious face plastered on her.



At the Sparrow Academy. . . .
At the Sparrow Academy, Luther and Sloane sit huddled together on the living room sofa. Luther starts to fidget when hearing that Ben wants to speak with him, and it makes him nervous.

"How much longer do we have to wait?" He asks Sloane

"Are you in a rush to be somewhere else?" Sloane asked curiously.

"No, it's just... I'm not supposed to be here. For all I know, Ben and Fei can jump up from behind that couch and stab me to death," said Luther.

I'd never let them lay a finger on you," Sloane reassured, giving him a kiss of comfort.

"Okay," Luther says now relaxed.

As if on cue Ben steps into the room, "Give us a minute."

Sloane stands and turns to Ben, "You. Be nice." She demands.

Ben eyes her as she leaves the room, he saunters into the living room not giving one glance at Luther.

Luther starts to speak"Look, I'm sorry man," he apologizes, "I didn't mean to creep into your house. Don't blame Sloane—"

Ben cuts him off, "What's your game?"

"Big fan of Yahtzee," Luther jokes.

"I've missed you" Ben Hargreeves x reader: (Umbrella academy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon