Chapter 17: Pocket full of Lightning

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Third POV:
At Hotel Obsidian...

As soon as Y/n2 entered the hotel, she spotted Luther and Diego sitting in the lobby, she walked towards them unknown of her body glitching.

Luther saw her first, "And just where have you been, weren't you with  Allison and Viktor?" He asked.

"Yeah, well I had a run-in with an old friend." She shrugged her shoulders, "I ended up separating from them." She spoke casually taking a seat.

Diego spotted Allison and Viktor, "Oh, look at those two jabronis getting along, being all sibly."

Luther looked at him confused, "So?" He said, Diego, looked back at him, "So that never goes well for us." Luther gives a conspiratorial nod.

"Siblings fight all the time, it's the natural order of things. Call it 'Tough love, per se." Y/n2 added.

Allison Viktor joined them, "Hey." Allison looked at Y/n2, "Where the Hell were you, we've been looking all over for you?" She asked in frustration.

"I just met an old friend, no big deal." Y/n sassed, Allison, rolls her eyes and sighed.

"So, what's the plan? What do we do when the sparrows get here?" Luther asked. "Just follow our lead," She said casually.

"Uh-uh. Nice try, we don't take orders from you." Diego quickly rejected it.

Y/n2 rolls her eyes, "Yeah, 'cause your lead worked so well la-la- Everyone took noticed of Y/n2 body glitching, now alarmed, "last time."

"Whoah, whoah, are you ok Y/n?" Diego asked concerned. "Shit! It's my real self. This only happens if I'm far too separated from the real Y/n or something must've happened to me." Y/n2 explained.

"How long till this lasts?" Viktor asked, "We can hold it for now but we will be drained out of tiredness." Y/n2 said.

"Okay, we can work with that, we're gonna need you for when the Sparrows come," Said Allison.

Luther then looked up in surprise, "Oh shit! Their early." The five then moved to the front entrance.

The Sparrows were wearing zippered one-piece mission suits in shades of deep red and black, The Umbrellas faced off with them.

Both Academies face off, they were each facing the other, Y/n was standing in front of Ben who quickly slyly send a wink to her, as she was trying to put back a smile.

People started taking photos when they saw the Sparrows. Viktor was the first to speak, "Well, thanks for coming."

"Oh, yeah, super glad to be here."  Said a sarcastic Jaime. "Where's the rest of you?" Ben shouted.

"What are you taking attendance for? They'll be here." Diego bluffed, Y/n side-eye, glancing back she noticed Ikaris standing at the far back of the entrance, her eyes went wide but suddenly disappeared in a blink of an eye.

'Huh?? Wasn't he's probably nothing.'
She thought.

"Where's the briefcase?" -Allison

"Where's our brother?" -Ben

Allison gave a tight smile, "Maybe we should try this again before I lose my temper." She threatened.

-Allison" Y/n tried to warn

"I got this. Hand over the briefcase or no deal." Allison said.

"I've missed you" Ben Hargreeves x reader: (Umbrella academy)Where stories live. Discover now