Chapter 21: Before it's too late

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Y/n POV:
We gave Viktor an hour to fetch Harlan. I sat at the bar drumming my fingers, anxiously, on the counter with Five and Ikaris. Diego and Lila went off with Stan to deal with their family issues. I see Luther coming down from where Allison might off run off to, he looked as if something spooked him which made me raise an eyebrow.

I looked at the clock above the entrance door, Viktor was late. "He better not go behind our back,"  I thought, looking back trying to spot him.

There was a peaceful silence until Ikaris decided to break it, "Soo....your family is quite eccentric," He spoke.

I huffed, "Oh we're far from eccentric my friend, we're talking upper class or weird." I say with a small smile, still looking at my finger as Magic emitted from my fingertips. "Also I think Klaus has taken more of a liking to you, I'd be careful if I were you," I looked up at him with a teasing grin.

He let out a chuckle while rolling his eyes, "Haha, yeah......hey um..about what happened earlier, are you okay?"

I let out a huge breath that I didn't know I was holding, "Honestly, I feel less affected than I should be, I've experienced loss more than once. I guess, I just got over the feeling of sorrow, what's done is done, what matters is that we need to stop the Kugelblitz," I said.

It then got quiet, which was what I needed right now, to clear my head while being sucked into the void of utter silence. I don't want any noise now and I sure as hell don't need anybody's sympathy.

"Hey!" I was sadly snapped back into the real world by Five's voice and snapped my head toward his direction, "Can I talk to you for a minute? Privately."

I nodded and got up from my seat and followed him to the far back corner of the entrance, "So, what's up?" I asked.

"You, what's with the necklace around your neck? Either it's something important or you have shitty taste in accessories?" He sassed.

I rolled my eyes, "Call it a Birthday present," I say holding my necklace, then looked at Five, "But between you and I, it's called the 'Eye of Agamotto', I explained.

Five raised a brow, "Well, someone could've come up with a better name for starters."

I let out a 'hn', "Yeah I know but it was created by someone whose name was Agamotto, so we're stuck with it." I shrugged, "But it was left to me and for me to guard it for whatever reason," I said.

We then heard footsteps and saw Viktor coming down, but with no Harlan. "Viktor," I walked towards him.

"Hey, it's time, where's Harlan?" asked Five.

Viktor looked nervous at us, "He's gone," He blurted out.

"What!?" I seethed, 'please tell me I heard that incorrectly,' I thought.

"You let him go, didn't you?" Said Luther.

"Harlan's death is not gonna stop the Kugelblitz. It's just gonna be another tragedy on a tragedy, and we can find another- I will find another way.

I turned around in disbelief with my hands raised, and that's when I just lost it...I slammed my hands on the bar counter creating a small crater dent into it.

"I've missed you" Ben Hargreeves x reader: (Umbrella academy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora