Tim nods looking down at the dress that Gwen was just in "Sir, the warehouse is empty, but they left an IED behind. We're gonna need the bomb squad." Tim said into the comms.

From outside Sergeant Grey answered "Understood. Any sign of Gwen?" He said with a sigh.

"Just an empty dress. Most likely, they had a switch vehicle in place. Given the timeline, I'd say they've been on the road at least 40 minutes." Tim says into the mic once he got outside.

Chen looks around once she got outside "It's too much time. They could be halfway to anywhere by now.".

"Sir, we need that bomb squad ASAP so we can process this scene. Our only hope of finding Gwen is to ID the switch vehicle." Harper agrees with Chen.

Nolan is looking down at the ground seeing vehicle tracks and some other tracks that look oddly familiar to him. He looked over at his team "Guys? They didn't have a switch car waiting. They used this old road as a makeshift runway. They had a plane." He said.

Gwen dressed in sweats and a t shirt, with a hood over her head. She is restrained to the seat of the airplane. Abril, La Fiera's right hand women uncovers her head causing Gwen to look at her kidnapper.

She sees La Fiera sitting in front of her with a wicked smile on her face. She looks over at the blonde tear stained women who looked scared.

"I told you I'd be out before you know it." She said. Gwen turned her head to the side seeing that they were in a small aircraft.

"Where are you taking me?" Gwen asked. La Fiera leaned forward slightly "Home... where I am the strongest. You're wondering why you're still alive." She said.

"It's not hard to guess. Killing me quickly wouldn't be satisfying after I called you out for Diego's death. So you're taking me with you where she can break out the toolbox and make it hurt." Gwen tries to sound confident but she was scared.

La Fiera and Abril both laugh "No. Abril isn't here to hurt you, hermana. She is here to protect you. Or rather, to protect el niño." She leaned forward her hand pressing against Gwens belly "You see, I'm not going to kill you. Not yet, anyway. Not until... my baby is born." She said.

The team didn't really gather much information about where La Fiera could've taken Gwen. Tim was slowly losing his mind he was angry, every thing made him snap. Angela was just as upset as Tim her best-friend was missing and she would do anything to get her back.

Angela had called Wesley in for a favor with the DEA to see if their was any way to track the airplane. But, like Angela thought they weren't any help.

It was nightfall as the car had came to a stop. La Fiera gets out of the car. Abril holding onto Gwen's arm. Gwen looks at the mansion Infront of her. They were in the middle of no where in Guatemala, with no civilization whats so over.

"Welcome to your new home. It's beautiful, no? I had it built with the look of the old world with the comforts of the new." La Fiera holds her arms out for a dramatic effect as her home is in view.

Abril looks at Gwen "And the security. This place is defensible against everything short of an air strike. Para hacer fácil - I'll save you the trouble. We have six guard teams, two with dogs. But we rotate them daily so they don't fall into a routine. But you'll never get to test that, because for the next three months, I will not be leaving your side" she tells Gwen.

Sweet Creature- Tim Bradford Where stories live. Discover now