

It has been two days since he came back, I have not been able to contact anyone and I knew everyone must be worried.
I didn't sit still these days, I ventured on his property, the whole house was covered with a 2 meter high wall, leaving just one entrance. I don't even know how he managed to get it, there are around 20 people gaurding the house and the cameras are everywhere except the rooms.
The only person living here, me. Someone cooks the food and leaves, I've not seen anyone other than the guards here.

It has been days, I had to leave, and I knew my family must be coming for me.

No matter what, there were clothes of all type in my room and it might be his mistake. You don't live in the Royal Family without learning some kind of defense and if I'm right about my calculations, then the knowledge I had was enough for me to get out.

I took out a pants from the closet with a full sleeved vest, that allowed me as much as movement I desire without any obstruction.
There weren't any suitable shoes here, so I had to make do with the ones I thought would make the least noice.

I didn't have any weapon on me except for a knife I took from the kitchen but I just hope I won't need it. I don't want to hurt anybody.
My room had a balcony, from there the distance to the main gate was more as compared to the boundary as my room was on the backside of the house but even if I wished I knew I can't scale this wall, leaving me with one option, the main gate.

My kidnapper would be coming today, I heard them talking about tightening the security so the only time the gate will open was when he enters or when he leaves. Leaving isn't an option, so I had just one chance, when he enters, so before that I'll have to be out of this room to the main gate, when getting to the main door without alerting 3 of the gaurds is a problem.

I can't go outside wearing this, so I pulled a full length tunic over it. Such that it coverage me whole, as for the shoes I just want to wear them, who'll even question me.
There are 6 guards stationed in the house, 11 outside it and the remaining three are on the main gate.

It was 11 am and from what I heard he'll be arriving at 1 pm, so I had two hours. Someone checks my room every hour, leaving me with just an hour cuz I can't leave before that else someone noticed it.

Just like I guessed, someone knocked on my door, maybe luck was on my side cuz the one who came happened to be the most petite of the group.
Still he was around 5 inches taller than me but that worked, seeing me he took out his cell and confirmed my position and then dhadam.
I didn't do much just knocked him out, it wasn't easy but not much difficult, he was unguarded and I had perfect reach for his neck. Main problem was hiding him, and the only option I had was my room. I just had to ensure that he sleeps till I'm done. So I used the one thing I never thought I would, I had found some sleeping pills in the kitchen, who they belonged to I had no idea but for now they're mine.

I stuffed three of them into his mouth, not knowing the exact amount needed. The next thing I had to do was to manage the one who'll bring the food, I didn't eat this morning and someone is coming every now and then carrying a plate.

I knew I'll have to make a mess or in not getting out of here, it was 11:30 when the knock sounded, my palms were sweating and I was nervous but my determination didn't waver a bit, I opened the door and just like before someone was here, I motioned for him to keep the plate inside, as he entered I closed the door, " I'll be outside after you're done. " He said keeping the plate, I knew he heard me closing the door but he was unfazed, I had a second before he turned and I did it, I stabbed him. Not to cause a fatal injury but enough to cause one, he wasn't weak a wound would do nothing to him, just as I raised the knife again he pushed me causing me bang against the table, I knew a bruise formed there but I didn't have time to care for it.

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