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Anriudh's POV

When dad called me to his office I was busy with some paperwork regarding our project with the Rathores. It was the first instance of a collaboration with them. We always had good relations with Chittorgarh but it never got further than that. So this was new for both of us.

Reaching dad's office I heard him talking to mom, "But what if he's not ready. "
"Let's see. It's his choice. "
Seeing me enter they both stopped whatever they were discussing, I knew better than to ask them. If it's meant for me then they'll tell me when it's time.

"Afternoon dad, afternoon mom. "
"Good afternoon Ani, come have a seat. " Mom said motioning to the seat at the sofa in the room. As I sat, both of them came and sat next to me. Dad started, "You know it's the coronation of Vinayak in 2 days right? " Vinayak Singh Rathore is the crown prince of Chittorgarh and just like dad said he is going to be crowned king in 2 days.

"Yes dad. "

"You're coming with us to his coronation. "
"What do you mean? I thought it was enough to send our regards. "
The company was quite busy nowadays, I don't think I had time for even the yearly gala and now we have to go to the coronation.
"It is. But I want us to go. I have something to discuss with the King and Queen of Chittorgarh. "

"Alright. But then I must stay. Someone has to be in the kingdom. "
"Your mother is perfectly capable of managing everything for a few days. So you're coming with me. It's final. "

Knowing that I have no choice, "Fine, when do we leave. "
"Tomorrow morning at 7. "
"I'll prepare my things. "
"Also Akshita and Abhimanyu are coming too. She asked you to bring her gift there itself. "

Now that's a relief, atleast I'll have someone there. My relationship with the princes of Chittorgarh is just what princes of neighboring kingdoms have. Nothing more and nothing less, so I have no idea why my presence is requested but a King's wish I fulfilled as always. Don't let dad listen that.

We left Suratgarh by 8 with quite a procession trailing behind us as greetings. And the journey ahead was too much left. It would take us atleast 11 hours to reach there and another half an hour to enter the palace premises. Their state was almost the same as ours be it in terms of population, area or development, we were on par. So the only thing I anticipated other than meeting my sister was their palace, ours was magnificent enough and I wanted to see that did we match here too.

During the journey dad and I talked about future endeavours or the company, means to develop our state and ways to furthur improve conditions of people in our state.

When we finally reached the palace of chittorgarh it was already 6 in the evening. And I have to admit theirs was by no means less magnificent than ours. It was beautiful. And it gave a completely different feeling than ours and I couldn't explain the exact feeling. My sister and her husband, who are also the King and Queen of pratapgarh were already there. She called dad when she settled in, arriving 2 hours earlier than us. The former Queen of pratapgarh is the cousin of chittorgarh's King, so it was understandable that they came.

What I don't understand is why we came. But seeing as my father has no intention of explaining that to me i gave up on the thought.
The King and Queen themselves were present to welcome us. I guess courtesy of being a king for my father. And they quickly got engrosin their talk, I didn't knew that my father was so fond of them by the way he was talking.
Finally remember me Rani-sa turned to the guard at her side "Rajat show kunwar-sa his chambers. "

"Please call me Anirudh rani-sa. "
"Of course child. " I stopped myself from saying that I'm not a child when I remembered that indeed I am for her.

"This way kunwar-sa."
Greeting raja-ji, rani-sa and my father one last time I left for my designated chambers in this place.

After showing me my room the guard left

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After showing me my room the guard left. After completing some work that was pending I decide to search for my sister. According to what the gaurd told me Suratgarh was allocated the South wing of the palace and Pratapgarh, the West Wing. So now I just have to find her room.

As I was searching for akshita I think I ended up in some king of training ground. I quickly forgot about her as I saw all the equipments in here. From the set up it looked like the one for royal family than guards. And from the sounds coming from the inner ring it looked like someone was indeed using it. Realizing it might not look good snooping around like that i decided to leave when I heard her.
"That's cheating. " I won't say her voice was sweet like a melody or anything, on the contrary it sound hoarse, raspy as if she have been exercising for too long. It scratched my ears like an itch. It's hoarseness was comfortable not annoying like it mostly is. I couldn't even make out her real voice with how out of breath shw sounded.

"It's not. You lost. " This time was a guy, and it sounded like Hridhaan Rathore. And i could hear the smile in his voice even from here.
" You're a cheater bhai. I almost defeated you. " I could hear her disappointment over the almost.
"Almost being the important factor here. " The guy who I think is Hridhaan replied.

" Ugh I hate you. " Her frustation was implied even to me.
"Now we both know that's a lie. "
And as I decided to see who this was I heard the sound of someone stomping and leaving. Realizing whoever it is might be leaving I quickly followed the direction of that voice. And I think I was late, because by the time I reached the ring there were only two swords and a black scarf left on the ground.
And I can think of only one person who can make Hridhaan Singh Rathore her personal trainer and get away with calling him a cheater, his baby sister, the youngest child of the King and queen, Princess of Chittorgarh- PARIDHI SINGH RATHORE.

And if it's really her, I don't think a proper meeting is that far.

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